Justlife’s Measures and Response to COVID-19

Justlife Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2021

At Justlife (Previously Justmop), our people’s safety is our main priority and we continue to take all necessary precautionary measures to protect the well-being of our team and our customers.

To that end, we have taken extra steps to ensure that appropriate COVID-19 preventive measures are being applied with all our professionals to operate safely. We have significantly enhanced our hygiene practices and implemented to keep our team and customers safe. 5 main guidelines that focus on work practice controls and personal protective measures

🌡️ Daily body temperature checks:

All our professionals are checked for body temperature on a daily basis at the beginning and at the end of their shifts. Temperatures showing above 37.2◦C will require professionals to stay home and only return to work after running a normal body temperature for a minimum of 3 consecutive days or the recommended duration of rest prescribed by a doctor. You can view your cleaner’s body temperature in the appointment details after your cleaner has been assigned.

😷 Safety & Hygiene Kits:

Prior to the lockdown restrictions, we managed to procure and distribute a Safety and Hygiene Kit with mandatory Personal Protective Equipment to over 500 professionals. All our professionals are provided with gloves, masks, and hand sanitizers, which are regularly inspected, maintained, and replaced, as necessary. Hand sanitizer dispensers are installed in each Justlife van and all our professionals are trained to sanitize their hands before, during, and after each cleaning session as a continued effort to reduce the risk of contracting an infection while delivering services.

💧 Facilities Disinfection:📚 Health & Safety Training:🛡️ Work practice controls:

We have set in motion routine disinfection of all Justlife vans, accommodations, and tools to be sanitized and disinfected on a daily basis to maintain the hygienic conditions. The process goes beyond regular cleaning by spraying bio-safe chemicals or antimicrobial products to kill germs on surfaces and objects, hence lowering the risk of spreading infection.

As part of our continuous training and retraining program, we have introduced COVID-19 Health and Safety Training to all professionals. They have been adequately trained on the pandemics risk factors, personal protective behaviors (e.g., cough etiquette, regular hand washing and care of PPE), most common signs and symptoms of infection and hygiene protocols to safely perform their job under pandemic conditions.

We encourage strict adherence to any restrictions outlined by government authorities regarding appropriate workplace protocols put in place to prevent or reduce the likelihood of exposure. A guideline we follow to minimize the risk is to reduce the total number of professionals per vehicle at a given time, allowing them to maintain distance from one another while maintaining a full onsite work week. Other risk-reducing measures include developing non-punitive leave policies and procedures for professionals to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and actively encouraging the importance of sick individuals staying home. Our Customer Support Agents are screening calls at the point of scheduling to assess potential exposures and circumstances in the home, to the extent possible, before worker entry.

These are the initial actions we have taken in light of this pandemic to ensure we continue to serve our customers safely. We are constantly assessing and evaluating while staying informed with updated and credible information on the COVID-19 virus. We will continue to monitor international and local public health communications about COVID-19 recommendations and ensure that professionals have access to that information through effective means in order to deliver the high-quality service you have come to know and trust.

Stay home & stay safe!

