Web Design Process in 5 Steps

justMila — Product Design Studio
2 min readJun 22, 2017


Web designers often thing about the web design process with a focus on technical matters such as wireframes, code, and content management. But great design is actually about creating a website that aligns with overarching strategy, and reaching the main goal of that particular website.

Well design websites are way beyond aesthetics. They attract visitors and help people understand the particular product, company, through a variety of indicators, which means that every element on the website needs to work towards the websites goal.

1.Identify the goal

Work with the client in order to understand what goals the site needs to fullfil, what purpose it has.

2.Define the scope

Once you know the goal of the website, now you can define the scope of the project, I.e, what pages and features the site requires, timeline to build those out, in order to reach that particular goal.


With the goal, and scope well defined, you can now start digging into the sitemap, defining how the content and features will work together.


Now that you have a bigger picture of the site, you can start creating content for individual pages, always keeping in mind the search engine optimization to help the pages focus on a single topic.


By now, you have all the assets needed to start designing the real website, and its time to make sure it all works. Start designing page by page, in collaboration with the client. Its crucial to update your client on your progress.

5.Test and launch

Once the everything is working correctly, it’s time to plan and execute the site launch! This should include planning both the launch time and communication/marketing strategies.

After that, it’s time to have a break and enjoy a cup of coffee with your fellow team mates.




justMila — Product Design Studio

A product-driven design firm helping businesses grow, launch products, and build enduring relationships with their customers.