Building a Better Platform for Remote Workers

Tom Pinchen
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2018

Two months ago we started a journey to try and build, from scratch, the greatest remote worker platform the internet has ever seen.

We called it 🙌. It’s now been live for two weeks and we wanted to share it with you.

I know what you’re thinking there are thousands of job sites already.

Why on earth would the internet need yet another remote job board?!

You’re absolutely right.

No one needs another remote job board where useful details are buried in the description making it impossible to find what you’re looking for. No one needs another remote job board where it’s not clear which country the position came from or whether the role is legitimate. No one needs another remote job board where the same old format has been used or where you give away your life’s data just to be able to view it!

The more we look, the more we see the market is fragmented, full of average sites, and this is exactly why we need to build a better platform.

Remote workers deserve better. We deserve a place where we can find jobs we’re interested in. We deserve a platform that caters to us even if we only want to work remotely part of the time and we deserve a platform that ables us to decide whether we are going to be a good fit for a position in couple of seconds.

We believe a better platform will help more people find fulfilling jobs and ultimately lead to a happier, more free, life.

We have begun and there is still much development work to do (so we better get to it!) but we hope that in time you’ll agree that JustRemote is the go to place for remote workers from around the world.

Wish us luck!

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P.s We 💖 to get all the feedback we can so leave a comment with your thoughts/ideas!

