reymart dinglasa
Published in
8 min readFeb 21, 2018


Anime That Helped Me Improve On How To Look At Life

“Anime is life,” I heard someone telling her friend about how good the anime she watched the other day.

They giggled at the thought of expressing their love for the art and their subtle smiles about the idea of it all.

Anime…is really something.

It is really something, indeed.

Anime has been one of Japan’s best arts that bloomed internationally in the 1980s. Akira is one of those anime that became an international success. And even until now, anime was as strong as the time it was introduced in Japan.

Anyway, I don’t really need to talk about its history and all (anime fans could have done their research after watching a few). I just want to talk about — or can recommend — anime that have opened my mind to the reality of life, of happiness, and even death.

“Anime is life.” But for me — Anime is a visual book of human experiences. Really, I did learn a lot of things about them. To others, they’re barely a series of episodes to entertain, but they have a deeper meaning than that.

Now, since I’m talking about meaning, I have my top 5 anime that changed my view about life, how to love, and how to understand people. (I’m still open to suggestions though). There are movies, but I’d go with anime with either only 1 season or two, or has gone through a bit more that concluded with such noteworthy ending.

This is my 2018 list and this might change depending on how the other upcoming anime weights in.

5) Full Metal Alchemist has taken this spot.

I’ve actually read the manga before watching the anime, as most of my friends told me that I’d appreciate it on paper. So I did, and finally watched the anime.

It was a fun ride, but a painful one — for me. Fans knew about the message it has, but no matter where I go this manga/anime has opened my eyes about undying love and protecting those who you love. It’s a strong message on the story and the reason why this always has that space in my heart.

Edward and Alphonse have traveled a lot to find answers and a way to turn Alphonse back. I never experienced that kind of love from a brother since I never got one yet Fullmetal was able to drag me into that emotion where I thought I had one once.

The personification of the Seven Deadly Sins have also brought a winding path for Eddy and Alphy; even questioning where they were placing themselves within the world — their purpose and humanity.

I never had a brother, and if ever I did, I’d probably feel how Edward felt all throughout the story. Protect and love. It’s a powerful message, considering they’re the only ones who fought their way as they grew up.

4) Death Note comes next.

This really opened my eyes about the concept of revenge and the significance of knowing a person even more.

Watching the anime, it invoked a lot of sentiments from me, really. There are people I know that deserve a bit of “retribution” too, though I feel like it’s a bit petty wanting other people suffer.

Light has felt the same sentiments too, but he came to the point of having fun with it; getting the recognition of being a god. Who doesn’t want to play god, right?

But what if you meet someone who could change your views but get unexpectedly killed. A flick of a finger, just like that.


The first half of the season built so much connection between Light and L. Two forces fighting against death and being killed. At first, I felt like I’d want to be a god—as powerful as a Shinigami. But I was pulled into L’s personal emotion that I felt a slow liking towards him. Light, at some point, did too. At that moment, making friends with each other weighs heavier than running. I understood L that I found myself hating life if L died (Not so much). Until it actually happened, and Light couldn’t do anything.

Dying is a heavy inevitable force, and for the first time, I felt so afraid to die. I felt so afraid that someone in my family dies.

After that first half of the season, I was so depressed that it brought me to tears. Death is inevitable, and I have to live on to enjoy life. I found myself with L’s persona, and it was regretful to see him dying without really becoming friends with someone. A genuine friendship, I might say.

3) And I found Angel Beats on my third list. You might not agree, but h*ll it did made me cry so much.

This anime got me so down for days, seriously. Regrets and guilt had punched me in the gut that I sat for almost ten minutes in silence after watching the last episode.

It is bittersweet. Even though its epilogue was trying to solicit a hopeful ending, there were still too many things that happened from the first episode until they’ve reached the final moments that were still too powerful to forget. I was so caught up with each of the characters that I didn’t want to end each episode.

No spoiler, yes, because I want those who haven’t watched it yet to try the anime. It’s fun and heart-wrenching. I’ve rooted for all of the characters and those who are interested will root for them too.

When you finish it, I’m pretty sure you’d think of everything that you wanted to do — do it now and don’t wait for later because we’re not always sure how long we live.

2) And Chrono Crusade is on my second.

I can recommend this, the story is actually compelling. It has that military-church vibe to it. Guns and Rosary :)

For me, it was one of the original stories in an anime and the characters have been created and woven with careful stories which I like. The undertones about religion and questioning about beliefs will bear other questions too.

This anime has let me question so much about religion, though not massively that it could question my own belief. It was more of “what’s behind that belief, and what other things are out there.”

I don’t want to provide so much about religion here, but those who watch are open on their own interpretation. I can’t generally generalize the idea of religion and belief, so…

As a fan — believe me, you’d feel the same way — you won’t be able to stop until you’ve reached the final episode. THE CHRONO!!

I’ve cried a bit over the story, but the deeper meaning on this is more about religion, belief and love.

I can always recommend this to anyone.

1) Some of you might kill me for this, but Shokugeki no Soma has made it on top of my list.

Cooking, Food, and Foodgasm everywhere. :)

Although this is cheesy for others, but watching the first half of the first episode, I fell in love with the story. It has a lot to give, and it doesn’t disappoint.

One of the reasons why I love the anime is because of my dad. He was a chef, literally a Japanese Chef, until he passed away last year.

Honestly, when the first episode aired and I got the chance to watch it online last month (January), I teared up a bit. I was like Souma Yukihira, but although I wasn’t as good as him, I can cook a good dish.

My dad has trained as a cook when he was in college and became a cook in a hotel. After seven years of practicing in the hotel, he was offered a job as a chef in a Japanese Restaurant.

My dad’s life wasn’t technically like that of Jouichirou, but my dad was a respected Japanese Chef in Iloilo, Philippines who took what he learned from visiting places to the Japanese restaurants where he was the chef.

Being a chef has been the best thing he had accomplished, apart from being a father. It made him very passionate with food, the precision a Japanese Chef when cooking, and being able to taste ingredients that can only be found in Japanese Market. He had one of the best experiences a chef could ever have.

Because of him I’ve learned other Japanese Dishes, and one dish I’m glad I enjoy cooking is Seafood Ramen. Seafood Teppan is great, but I like a soup dish better. At this point, I’m learning the dishes that my dad has left me — a way of remembering and sharing it with my family and friends.

Life story aside, Shokugeki no Soma has some of the aspects of reality — it is certainly based in reality. And I can tell by how it’s being done, competition like in the anime has been happening even along the mid-level cooking business.

Maybe I’ve been biased with how I chose my first on the list but it connects to me on so many levels.

For those who love to laugh, and be enthused (my favorite word) about food. You can even learn some of them in this anime.

I have other anime that I can list down from sixth place to tenth — like Shingeki No Kyojin and Mirai Nikki for example, but I felt like this top 5 list is enough for me.

The story they have changed my life, or simply made me think of life and what’s beyond myself.

