Safe driving in heavy rains…

Gaurav Derebail
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2017


Every other year, when it rains, it pours… and it’s highly possible that many of you have experienced this at some point in your life. We know very well that the allure of a long drive and some piping hot masala chai is super tempting in the rains but, if you’re going to hit the roads nevertheless, here are a few things you should be cognisant about —

1. Rains demand CAUTIOUS DRIVING

Roads are super slippery during heavy showers — drive cautiously and slowly. It’s OK if you get a bit late for that meeting; chances are, they’re running late too

2. Plan your drives for a better experience

Plan your travel in such a way that you reach your destination before you lose daylight. Avoid driving in the night unless it’s super-critical

3. Take a small break if it suddenly starts raining heavily

Heavy rains bring with them a lot of visibility problems however, they don’t last too long. Park your vehicle at a safe spot and wait for the downpour to subside — listen to a song or two and chill

4. Be nice to others around you

Always remember, you’re not the only one in the rains. Be nice to the two-wheelers, other car drivers & pedestrians too.

  • Don’t tailgate a two-wheeler (their wheel dimensions put them at a higher risk of skidding)
  • Don’t splash water on pedestrians (it’s hard to spot them in the rains, another reason to drive slow)

Actually… irrespective of whether it is pouring or not, be nice to others

5. Use turn signals while changing lanes

Sudden lane changes are a strict no-no — we know that vacant spot was very tempting to drive into, just let it go. Also, make sure you use your turn signals especially while changing lanes

6. Don’t overtake bigger vehicles

The rear view visibility for larger vehicles is very bad — well, almost ZERO! Make sure you flash your headlights as much as possible if you’re looking to overtake . Best thing to do — AVOID OVERTAKING unless absolutely necessary

7. Steer clear of puddles

You never know how deep they are — like your love! Bad jokes aside, just avoid the puddles at all costs— they do more harm to your vehicle than saving time. They can potentially kill your engine, cause a tyre-burst and worse still, they can cause your vehicle to skid uncontrollably

8. Follow some highway etiquettes

If you’re on a highway and it starts raining frantically, just switch ON your headlights on low-beam — it helps other drivers spot you and even improves your own visibility to an extent

9. Don’t be a surfer

Cars weren’t made for surfing. It’s best to avoid flooded areas altogether — especially if you cannot gauge the water levels. Take an alternative route. Here’s a pro tip — shut off your A/C and keep your windows down; in case your car stalls in the water, you can call for help

10. Parking woes

If parking for a short duration, leave the parking lights on. For longer/overnight parking, look for a relatively clean spot, ideally raised above the ground level

11. Find a few idle minutes for a nice chai and some bhajiyas

This may not be a super important safe-driving tip but, you know you’ll score some major Instagram and Facebook likes with this one!

Stay safe. Drive well.

If you’d like to share some of your safe-driving tips with us, please write them in the comments section below. If you’d like to read about a particular topic, do let us know. If you’re planning to go on a ride anytime soon, check us out. And if you have some good bhajiya recommendations from your city, WE’RE ALWAYS HUNGRY FOR THAT KINDA STUFF…

