Unlocking cars using your cellphone

Jitesh Dugar
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2016

Car Sharing is getting extremely popular these days.


Car owners are willing to rent their cars to others when not being used. With this, a car is idle for less time throughout the day and the earnings can be used to offset the fixed costs related to the car. Major self drive car rental companies in India — Zoomcar and JustRide are already promoting the car sharing culture through ZAP and JustConnect respectively.

Problem -

Car owners are not always available to meet the drivers and handover the keys of the vehicle.

Solution -

At JustRide, we are working on a solution wherein we could allow drivers to lock & unlock the car using their mobile phones.

Image source — Google

How does this work?

A Bluetooth-cum-GSM device is attached to the central locking system of the vehicle. When a driver who is meant to gain access to the car is near the car, he/she is sent a unique key from our server. The driver’s app sends an unlock request to the vehicle. If the key is matched, the device readily instructs the central locking system to unlock the vehicle. The driver can now gain access to the vehicle.

Is it secure?

To prevent unauthorised access to the car, we ensure that the encrypted key is randomised after a fixed interval of time and the same key is sent to both the device and the driver’s app. Once both the keys match, the car doors will be unlocked.

How are we building it?

While most car rental companies are outsourcing the keyless entry solution, we decided to build it in-house so we have better control on the security features.

Our prototype is ready and we are proudly among the first car rental companies in India to implement Key-less Entry (KLE) in-house.

Live Demo Video -

With KLE Implementation, we are trying our best to deliver the best experience to those who want to share their cars. The final product will be ready to roll in 4–6 weeks. This is just a beginning and we need your suggestions or inputs on how we can do this better.

We are trying to achieve more cool things and are looking for passionate techies to join us. If you are into Backend, Android or iOS development and want to work with our team, do write to us.

