Everything you need to know about the sharing economy we’re building

Suman Roy
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2017

Let me start with a personal story —

When I got my first job after graduating from college, the first thing I wanted to buy was a bike. I talked to the bank, gathered the required documents and got myself the loan.

The first shock was when I had to pay the insurance and road tax, an extra 10k up front. I took it in my stride because I was getting my own bike — my first bike!

It was great at first, but after a while the EMI and the maintenance costs started becoming a little too much for to manage with an entry level job. I would mostly just drive to and from work and go out on the weekends — just the normal stuff.

But, the thing was that I wasn’t the only one using my bike. My roommate would take it out when I wasn’t using it. So we decided that since we’re both using it, we might as well split the cost. Suddenly, the burden felt half as heavy while we each of us got full use of the bike.


What we’re doing at Drivezy?

This is exactly the sharing economy we’re trying to build at Drivezy and it is the nucleus of our vision. With our JustConnect platform we are connecting car owners to people who need them on a limited basis. By returning the earnings to the owner, the burden of ownership is reduced and hence, both parties benefit from it — talk about a WIN-WIN!

Why is it important?

With a growing gap between average income and cost of living, people are finding it more cost-effective and convenient to rent/share rather than to buy. Everything from housing, furnishing and cars are available on rent today. This new dynamic allows owners to monetise their assets and reduces the cost of access to these resources which is why we feel that sharing will become the only way most people will be able to afford these resources.

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