Publish to Bower : Reusable Angular Utility (Love for Open-Source)

Robin Chauhan
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2017

Developers came across weird yet simple issues every day, normalizing data, filtering array, splitting objects etc… are their routines like breakfast, lunch and dinner.

You wrote any piece of code, It might be and might not be perfect, it might be or might not as advanced compared to other projects build with the similar technology, but you built it, and it works. You find it beautiful. I hope other developers share the same feeling about their own creations. The passion you put into your code to successfully create whatever you wish for.
It is not only what developers should thrive for, but love. It can be more by sharing your work, making it public to use by others. Yeah, I am talking about Open Source.

There are lots of people who were willing to help, who shared their code, who contributed to the community without asking for a reward. People who spent much time and effort teaching each other how this all works.

Steps to publish your Angular Module to Bower.

Step 1:

To make your Angular module open-source on bower (so that anyone can reuse it) you need to publish it on Github first.

Create a new repo on GitHub

Step 2:

Create your local directory/folder:
mkdir my-module
cd my-module

Clone your git repo onto your local machine

Create package.json and bower.json and add desired dependencies to support your angular module.
Clone this repo and install dependencies.
# install dependencies
npm install
bower install

Customize the cloned repo to include your angular module:

  • Update src folder with your angular module.
  • Update package.json and bower.json to match your module name and other informations.
  • Include buildconf.js to include your file name (buildJsFilename: 'your-file-name.js')

Step 3:

Publish to bower registry-
Now since we are ready with everything, we have to publish it to bower registry to make it usable for others

bower register your-ng-module

Note: Don’t forget to out private: false as a field in your bower.json then only bower register will work.

The beauty of open-source is that you can pick up right where someone left off and start right there.

Happy coding , Happy writing and Happy Sharing.

— Robin



Robin Chauhan

UI Developer - surfing the front end wave | works @clincase | Open-source lover | Javascript lover | Angular fan | Dreamer | Sports enthusiast | Apple admirer