What to Expect with the Best SEO Agency in Delhi

Payel Mukherjee
Justwords Consultants
3 min readJul 21, 2021
seo agency in Delhi

When you have just started planning SEO, it is essential to hire an SEO agency in Delhi. It will help you identify the red flags and know if you should go ahead with them or not. Here are a few things that are sure to happen in the first meeting. We have also identified what things to look for in an SEO agency that will help you ramp up operations.

The Top Questions You Should Ask

Here is a list of top questions that you should be asking your agency to hire before proceeding with the paperwork.

1. What is the experience they carry with them in this field? It is a simple understanding of how many years they have been in SEO and what kind of services they have offered.

2. Ask them to share their previous work samples. It is essential to check their portfolio before getting started

3. Ask them a question on how they plan to help your company? What, according to them, is the significant lack in the business, and how can SEO help fulfill this issue?

4. Check the update process. It is essential to know beforehand how often they will update you on the situation. If they are planning to update daily or weekly is a must-know point

5. What is the method to calculate SEO ROI?

6. Any details of past clients that they can share for reference. It will help you know how much the best SEO agency in Delhi helped this client upscale their business via optimization.

At this point, there are several questions that you should be asking, including details on how much they are aware of the competition.

Once you are done with asking all the priority questions, the next step is to check if your SEO agency to-hire can do the following things.

Keyword Planning & Analysis

This is important from an optimization perspective. Your SEO agency should be well aware of what kind of keywords will best impact your business. They should know how to analyze and identify the best keywords for your business.

The best SEO agencies will have a process defined for keyword planning that includes identifying the target audience and knowing their search habits. It also provides competition research and the keywords they are targeting to maximize value for their business. Therefore, it is essential to audit the existing business page to find keywords that will drive maximum value and find the keywords that promise better ROI.

Apart from this, you will also need to find the keywords that will drive maximum profits for the business. The top agencies will use this kind of strategy. If the agency to-hire knows of such formulas, you might want to work with them.

The On-Page Audit

This is a big gamble, as many SEO agencies don’t have any expertise in this. They may show that they are aware of how it works but, it is equivalent to knowing next to nothing about on-page SEO.

When you are planning SEO optimization, it is essential to conduct a thorough on-page audit to know how you want to proceed with the optimization. An audit is a thorough understanding of the current page and what it includes or does not. It should be conducted once before you kickstart the online optimization campaign. No SEO company would suggest a lot of in-between audits.

SEO Reporting

They should have a defined understanding of reporting structure. They should offer clean and proper reporting of all the SEO results. The best SEO agency in Delhi must provide vital results in the reports to see optimization results.



Payel Mukherjee
Justwords Consultants

Payel Mukherjee is the founder of Justwords and a passionate content marketer. She started her content marketing agency in 2010 and has worked with brands..