1/26/18: W-2s, 1099s, and helpful benefits notifications are here!

Justworks Updates
Published in
1 min readJan 26, 2018


W-2s and 1099s are here:

We’ve uploaded a digital copy of your W-2 and/or 1099s. You can access your copy by logging into your Justworks account and clicking on “Documents” in the left side menu bar. You can also expect a paper copy in the mail soon, unless you opted for digital copy only!

Now you have to do your taxes


Dependent eligibility notification:

While there isn’t a time when your child is federally required to move out of your home, there is a time when they are required to move off your health insurance. At 26, a dependent will no longer be eligible to receive benefits under your plan, and Justworks will now send you a notification on the first business day of their birth month. They’ll continue to have coverage through the end of that month, giving you both time to find an alternative.



Justworks Updates

Payroll, benefits, HR, and compliance — all in one place. Justworks simplifies your business’s back office complexities, so you can work fearlessly.