6/15/18: New and improved way to file for a Qualifying Life Event!

Justworks Updates
Published in
1 min readJun 15, 2018

We updated our Learn Page and Help Center, along with creating a more intuitive flow that gives you more time to change benefits.

Qualifying Life Events are the big life events that allow you to change your insurance coverage outside of the standard open enrollment periods. However, what exactly falls under the umbrella of a “Qualifying Life Event”, or QLE, is often a bit fuzzy. To help out, we walk you through what qualifies, why it matters, and what it means for your insurance coverage. If you have had a QLE, you can now submit the documents needed to process directly in Justworks. We’ll also let you know how many days you have left to process the QLE request based on the date of of the event (hint! It’s 31 days from the event!) You’ll then receive a confirmation email that we received your documents, and once it has been approved, your open enrollment window for the benefits you have opted to change will reopen.

New Flow Alert 🔥



Justworks Updates

Payroll, benefits, HR, and compliance — all in one place. Justworks simplifies your business’s back office complexities, so you can work fearlessly.