9/16/2022 — Schedule Job Title and Compensation Updates

We’re making it easier to keep your employees’ job information up to date.

Justworks Updates
Sep 16, 2022


Hello and welcome to Changelog, your weekly roundup of everything new in Justworks. This week we launched the ability to update employee compensation and job title at the same time.

Keeping employee information up to date can be time consuming. Now when you update your employee’s compensation in Justworks, you can update their job title at the same time. This saves you time and eliminates the need to return to Justworks to update job title on or after its effective date. Changes made to compensation and job title take effect on the same date and can be edited or changed before they go into effect.

Check out our Help Center for more information. As always, we’re here 24/7 if you have any questions.



Justworks Updates

Payroll, benefits, HR, and compliance — all in one place. Justworks simplifies your business’s back office complexities, so you can work fearlessly.