Photo by Ian Schneider, Unsplash

JUXTA thanks you

Joel Lawson
Published in
Jun 16, 2021


JUXTA launched in the pandemic, over one year ago. It was an experiment crafted by good friends with several aims: to offer new voices; to present their content with visually stimulating illustrations; and most of all, to inform and empower citizens in the fight for democracy.

We’ve wound down JUXTA. There have been changes in the lives of team members, and changes in Medium’s model and direction.

But we’re incredibly proud of what we created here, and JUXTA will remain active as an archive of this American moment.

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Joel Lawson
Editor for

DC-based public affairs consultant. Fmr: Capitol Hill, Ctr for Partnership Studies; Caring Economy Campaign; Fmr Chair, GenderAction.