It is never about the choices

Jyothirmayee JT
Published in
1 min readJul 3, 2016

It never got this difficult, do you invest in a purpose, in people or in self. It is easy to pick the first two in an idealistic situation. But then, you have experiences to waver you either ways. When you think more, what people pick, in their own terms, is not about the choice, it is what one feels good about, and reminding oneself about it over and over again. That, is what matters.

And now, what you feel good about is also how you let things make you feel about. So it’s all about you and the games your mind plays. And knowing this, relieves you of making the choice, in the first place.

It isn’t about the choice, it’s how you let it define how you feel.



Jyothirmayee JT

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