In the corporate abyss we have found a way to build worthwhile services by following the everlasting star of open source
In the corporate abyss we have found a way to build worthwhile services by following the everlasting star of open source

The End of Free Services

Makis Tracend
K&D Interactive
Published in
Aug 11, 2022


It’s been a while since we started releasing our free services and after a lot of trial and error, and a lot of deliberation from our part while trying to find a way forward, ultimately the decision was made to eliminate most (if not all) of our free of charge offerings in the near future.

There is no such thing as a free service

Either through advertising or user tracking proper, free services are never really free. As it is common knowledge now ”When there is no product for sale, you (the user) are the product”

Changing Business Model

Ultimately our goal is to focus on the freedom aspect of online services, not the the free of charge aspect.



Makis Tracend
K&D Interactive

Chronic web developer. Recent startup founder. Technical lead at K&D Interactive. Product development at Product Manager at