Announcing the launch of MVB Fund

K Fund
K Fund
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2019

Yesterday we announced the launch of a new Fund of Funds, MVB Fund, promoted by Bankinter and Martín Varsavsky, with whom we are fortunate to collaborate through our management firm, Kanoar Ventures SGEIC. Kanoar Ventures is the official name of the fund management company with which we have managed K Fund to date and to which we are now fortunate to add MVB Fund.

We can not think of better partners for the project and we are very excited to be part of this great initiative.

MVB Fund was created to invest in the best VC funds, mainly American but also some from Europe and Israel, and will represent an opportunity to co-invest with these funds in some of the companies that have already shown good results.

It is a fund that will give access to the best opportunities in international markets, until now practically inaccessible for Spanish investors. On top of that, it’s a good way to continue to promote something that’s very necessary for the VC market in Spain: to give more visibility to the asset class and to reduce the investment gap in VC per capita, which is still far from the European average.

For K, it is a great opportunity to continue to learn and to be in touch with the main trends that are developing in the Venture Capital industry by seeing what big and relevant funds are doing in other markets. For this, we’ll be increasing our team with two more people and we’ll also continue to rely on the knowledge of the current team under the leadership of Ignacio Larrú.

But this does not mean that we are going to stop doing what has distinguished us until now and where we have more experience, which is to find the best Spanish entrepreneurs and continue to develop Venture Capital in our country.

Quite the contrary, we will continue to do so and with more force through a new fund that we are preparing, K2, which we plan to launch next year.

We firmly believe in Spanish entrepreneurs and in the enormous opportunities to build technological and innovative companies in our country. That is why we do what we do, and now we have the good fortune of being joined by two new partners who believe in venture as much as we do.

