K2 Five 5.3 Google Drive Integration

Pattarawat Teparagul
K2 Dev — EN
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2019

When we talk about K2 Five 5.3 release notes on previous blog, we mention that K2 5.3 will have easier integration solution. So I’ll show you in this blog. If you can’t remember how we connect with google drive in previous version, you can recap at https://k2ranger.wordpress.com/2018/02/09/k2-google-g-suite-integration-en-version/

Enable Cloud Storage

K2 use service name “cloud storage” to integrate with Google Drive, Box, Dropbox และ OneDrive. So the first step is to enable this service. This service need id and url from our K2 database. After we get id and url, we can open ticket to get script to enable service.

You can see how to in K2 official help page https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2five/userguide/5.3/default.htm#ServiceBrokers/CloudStorage/CloudStorage.htm. After we get script from K2 support, we need to run script in our K2 database and restart K2 service. Then we’re good to go.

Enable Feature

Next step is going to K2 Management site. Select “Google Drive” from Features menu and click “New Instance”


Named your service instance here.

Add New Instance

K2 will open another page to authenticate with Google

2 Step Verification

After fill in all information, Google will display grant permission dialog.

Grant permission

After Allow we’ll got another summary page.


Then we’ll get Authorization Successful message.


After closing Authorization Successful page, we’ll come back to Management Site. If we see below page, configuration is already completed.


We’ll see new service instance that we already created.

Feature Instance Created

Then we can use this service instance to create SmartObject via SmarObject Service Tester, K2 Designer or generate from K2 Management Site.


When we testing with SmartObject, K2 will ask to authentication with Google again. After this round of authentication, you finally get information from Google Drive.

Test Search File

It’s a lot easier than the previous version. For other services (Dropbox, Box and Ondrive) will be the same. So you can try that out by yourself :)

