How I Reorganized My Projects

Mr. Mike Merrill
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2018

Oh Airtable, how I love thee... On January 23rd my shareholders approved a Project Reorganization for KmikeyM and I got to work.

First I created an Airtable with all 124 shareholder votes from the last ten years and tracked them as Approved or Rejected.

Next I created a view for the 84 Approved votes and set up categories to track them as Pending, In Progress, Success, or Failure.

Then I displayed the votes in a Kanban view and went through each vote with Marcus to ensure the categories were correct. I was left with 3 Pending and 6 In Progress (with 61 Successes and 14 Failures).

Every vote that required action got a “Next Milestone” where I wrote what had to happen next. I also had a notes field to explain what made each vote a success or failure.

The Milestones were then given dates and put on a calendar view, giving a sense of what needed to happen next and to prevent overloading a day.

The entire Airtable is public to the shareholders allowing them to keep an eye on the entire process. And I’ll have check-ins with Marcus to help work out the success/failure criteria.

