What is Paleo Diet or Caveman Diet and does it Work?

Rahul Yadav


Paleo diet, also called the Paleolithic diet, or caveman diet, or the Primal diet has gained a lot of popularity over the last decade or so. In this article we will discuss the paleo diet in detail and see if really works.

What is a Paleo or Caveman Diet?

The term Paleo in the Paleo dieting comes from the Paleolithic era, when agriculture was not invented. Paleo diet takes us back to eating the same way as a Caveman’s diet during the Paleolithic era. That means, only the food items available to humans prior to farming, are consumed and everything else is excluded.

During the Paleolithic era the food consumed by humans, mostly included animal meat, fruits and vegetables. A caveman’s diet would have included hunted animals and fruits and vegetables. Gathered locally. Therefore, appropriate animal-based food for paleo diet would be from hunted animals, or animals that are not farmed in confined cages. Free-range chickens are a good example of this. Considering the fact that hunting animals would be impractical for most of us, while following a paleo diet make sure that the animals should be living freely in the farm and being fed appropriate organic feed and not pumped with steroids or antibiotics.

Read more https://www.kaa-yaa.com/paleo-diet-caveman-diet-work/



Rahul Yadav

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