March Motivation #7: The System Is Broken

Heran Patel
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2017
Going against the current.

A lot of times, when experiencing the world, you feel that there are boundaries set in society that limit you as a person, and prevent you from feeling comfortable and willing to do the things you do on a regular basis. The “system” is what holds people back instead of guiding them in the right direction. Especially in more recent times, following the generic path has been less fulfilling and less desirable in terms of reward; however, because society adds its pressure on people, it becomes a “going through the motions” phase for most. The ones who do break out of it, initially feel the heat for breaking the “system”; however, down the pipeline, there is more respect given to those brave souls.

Glaring beyond the world.

School. A classical example of where the system is broken. I am not talking about middle school or high school, but more specifically college/university. A majority of young students graduating from high school follow the system to pursue higher education in the hopes of a brighter future. While it may not always be the case that school doesn’t provide the right value, it happens more often than not that school teaches students irrelevant and real-world dis-connected information.

Computer Science, a field which I am currently a student in, is a field which, in a more modern day, does not require an extensive amount of education to get started. With the current software growth, there is plenty of demand for the major and numerous jobs available. From a more critical perspective, the stuff taught in school has very little relevancy to what will be utilized in the real world.

Too much theory, and less practice.

Note, there are special cases where extensive education is required as you would expect from any doctor, but this content is more relevant for technology/business-oriented students who are aiming for a job or beyond.

The schooling system is truly broken; however, because society has placed these pressures on people of this day and age, there is less resistance. For example, most companies today, when hiring for professional positions are requiring a bachelor’s degree at the minimum. This constraint adds to the equation to force helpless students go through the system of schooling for the sake of a single requirement line on most job applications. What is worse is the fact that after fulfilling that 1 requirement of having a bachelor’s degree, it is still not enough to land that dream job, because another more important factor weighs in…..PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE.

Without the right practical experience when compared to someone with experience, it becomes an uphill battle.

As a new grad, your practical experience is as dry as the place shown above.

Despite these battles, changes are being made because there are people who exist to break out of the system. Some companies are expanding their views, recognizing the flaws of the system, and have moved on to not require a bachelor’s degree as a requirement. They lean more on judging candidates based on applicable knowledge, project experience, and practical experience of field-related work.

As a forecast into the future, you heard it here first. I strongly believe that more people will break the system, facilitate more practical education, and make breaking the system a norm. Classical universities and classical education will be dumped for a newer more practical education through different kinds of higher education. For example, a software company will churn out its own university to educate and transition students smoothly into the jobs that the company has a demand for.

Breaking the norm.

Throughout the history of the world, those who broke the system, put in the hustle, and took a more dynamic approach to change have prospered and gained the most fulfillment in life. This doesn’t call for you to quit everything today and hope for a bright tomorrow. That would be reckless behavior. Rather, you need to reflect on yourself, plan your approach to achieve your goals, and gradually hustle your way out of the system.

If you were motivated by this March Motivation, please feel free to pass along the motivation to others by sharing on Facebook and recommending it!

Due to the suppressible nature of the system, it will take time to overcome, so be patient, and never let the hustle go!



Heran Patel
Editor for

Hustler — innovation/execution strategist.