March Motivation #8: Move With Consistent Speed

Heran Patel
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2017

“I have too much stuff to do, oh by the way, I heard there is party down the road. Let’s go!”

The drive may face obstacles, but continue to move consistently.

Distractions are always present, and it all comes down to core will power, and prioritizing your tasks to focus on what matters. Especially in today’s world, there are more distractions than ever thanks to social media, the internet, and the mobilization of accessibility to information anywhere on the globe. Distractions add rough bumps to our lives in the execution of our tasks towards our aspirations and goals. With regards to the title, speed is the pace at which you are nearing your aspirations/goals aligned towards fulfilling your purpose in life. Because of distractions, dynamic priorities, and unfulfilling rewards, people’s actions move with inconsistency.

Distractions lead to productivity!

Distractions have added the greatest setbacks to life for many. I myself have been hooked to multiple avenues of distraction which take me away from what truly needs to be done. Social media is powerful today which influences many because of the amount of attention it garners from a majority of people. Everywhere you look, most people are looking at their phones doing something or the other; however, if you surveyed them, 90% would tell you they are doing nothing productive. This is a very common scenario in today’s world, and while technology has made great leaps to connect us, it has also dragged us behind in terms of producing more productive individuals.

Focus on one thing while ignoring the distractions!

Dynamic priorities is a huge factor when considering speed towards your goals/aspirations. The game of life requires you to focus and work on the things which make the most progress on your path. Priorities always change from multiple factors. A new college can give you the enthusiasm to learn and conquer more; however, with a sudden introduction of a relationship, the priorities of what you do changes. Because of the multiple environmental factors placed in the world, it is hard to stay fixed in your priorities. Life throws many different things at you which you must deal with depending on a urgency scale. Being consistent is hard with priorities; however, it is possible.

Taking the path to the right priorities!

Unfulfilling work is a de-motivator for many who have either yet to find their true calling, or have no interest for the future to take good present actions. For example, I have had 2 internships previously both dealing with software development, and they were a great learning experience. Despite the experience, everyday I walked into the office, I told myself that this was not what I wanted to do. I have always wanted to start and run a company because of my entrepreneurial tendencies. But, in either case, there was a taste of disinterest, and this could lead many to not produce on a consistent basis. Speaking about unfulfilling work, if you happen to be a manager, and the output from your employees is not where you want it to be, this is probably the first and best factor to consider in the decline of output.

Working for a higher purpose!

Tackling the 3 factors providing a rough inconsistent speed is not as difficult as it may seem. For social media, there simply has to be a limit. The next time you have nothing to do, DON’T reach in to your pocket to look through your Facebook news feed, but instead look around and experience the world. For priorities, you should write down and schedule your priorities to hold you accountable to them. You can strengthen the way you approach your priorities by making sure you note them, and schedule them to be finished at certain deadlines. The last factor, and possibly the hardest to resolve, is unfulfilling work. After years of blood, sweat, and tears into one field, you cannot all of a sudden leave and hope for the best. As the concept has been, you need to find your true calling, if what you are doing is not aligned with your life, and gradually work into your intended work. This is the only way you will produce consistent work while feeling good about it. Fulfillment from work is key when you want people to produce their best (another March Motivation topic).

Life in balance!

Physically limit your distractions, set and schedule your priorities straight, and most importantly, find your purpose in life, which will put you on track to move at a more consistent speed towards your life’s mission!

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Heran Patel
Editor for

Hustler — innovation/execution strategist.