The Sobering Transformation: Acknowledging the Consequences of Generative AI and Non-Coding Roles on Our Future

Nimesh Patel
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2023
Prompt used to generate this image from the title in Midjourney.

The internet, a sprawling tapestry of countless lines of code, shapes our daily digital interactions, from the websites we explore to the applications we rely on. Yet, envision a future where this woven tapestry evolves, transitioning from a focus on code to an emphasis on pixels. This transformation is spurred by the groundbreaking advent of generative AI.

Generative AI, a variant of artificial intelligence endowed with the ability to create fresh content encompassing images, text, voice, and video, stands on the verge of instigating a profound shift in the realm of digital experiences. This technology heralds the dawn of pixelated experiences, transcending the established paradigms of coding to shape websites, apps, and other digital interfaces.

The advent of pixelated experiences brings with it a profound reshaping of our working environment. Traditionally, coding, designing, writing, photography and creativity skills were indispensable for creating digital experiences. However, generative AI democratises this process, inviting everyone to participate in the creation of digital experiences, irrespective of their expertise. This tectonic shift is poised to create a surge in demand for individuals proficient in crafting pixelated experiences.

The magnitude of this impending transition places a weighty responsibility on our shoulders. We must act decisively and rapidly to educate and prepare individuals and organizations with the skills required to thrive in this new economy. Failure to do so risks leaving an entire generation inadequately prepared for the future of work. The pressing need to align our educational, training, and up skilling strategies with this new reality is palpable.

The Role of Generative AI in Transforming Non-Coding Jobs

Generative AI’s influence extends beyond the realm of digital experiences, promising to redefine traditional non-coding roles:

Content creation: Generative AI can automate the drafting of content for websites, blogs, and other marketing platforms, liberating content creators to invest their energy in more creative pursuits.

Design: Generative AI can automate the design process for websites, apps, and products, allowing designers to devote their focus to more strategic endeavours.

Idea generation: Generative AI can generate ideas for new products, services, and marketing strategies, enabling product managers, marketing managers, and executives to concentrate on strategic tasks.

Deployment: Generative AI can deploy to any platform or format with straightforward voice and text approvals, revolutionising the deployment process.

Generative AI’s transformative potential can revolutionise non-coding roles by automating tasks and producing high-quality content. This technological advancement can enable non-coding professionals to conserve time, enhance productivity, and reach a more extensive audience.

The Deployment Potential of Generative AI

Generative AI can simplify the deployment of final work across various formats, including PDF, web, and immersive experiences. This streamlining alleviates the manual effort required from non-coding professionals, enabling them to connect with a larger audience through their content.

Consider the potential of generative AI to revolutionise various roles within an organisation:

Customer service representatives: Generative AI can create scripts, freeing representatives to focus on resolving complex customer issues.

Sales representatives: Generative AI can generate sales pitches and presentations, freeing sales representatives to focus on nurturing customer relationships.

Marketing managers: Generative AI can produce marketing campaigns and strategies, freeing marketing managers to concentrate on creative tasks, such as devising innovative marketing campaign ideas.

Product managers: Generative AI can draft product requirements and specifications, enabling product managers to focus on strategic tasks, such as the development of new products and services.

Researchers: Generative AI can conduct research and generate reports, liberating researchers to concentrate on creative tasks, like formulating novel research questions.

In essence, the arrival of generative AI marks a significant inflection point in our working environment. By automating tasks and generating high-quality content, generative AI has the potential to enhance efficiency across a plethora of roles. It can free professionals from repetitive tasks, enabling them to save time, boost productivity, and extend their reach to a broader audience.

Image created with following prompt in Midjourney: creative a futurist immersive world for education

Nonetheless, we must soberly acknowledge that this transformative shift will undoubtedly impact countless lives, potentially displacing those unprepared for the future of work. As such, our collective responsibility to foster education, training, and up skilling is paramount. We must approach this change with empathy, seriousness, and a deep understanding of its implications, ensuring that no one is left behind in this brave new world sculpted by generative AI.

Kabuni’s mission, underpinned by our commitment to education with a purpose and our aim to unlock the design potential in every human being and elevate life, guides us in building an safe immersive platform that provides everyone with the opportunity to learn, grow, and explore Kabuni CONCEPTS. Whether at home, school, or work, our Kabuni WIZARD — a generative AI tool — creates personalised lessons, training, or coaching plans to upskill individuals. In essence, we believe in empowering everyone to embrace and flourish in this transformative era.


The thoughts and ideas expressed in this post are my own, but they have been enhanced and refined by AI tools, namely BARD, Midjourney, and ChatGPT. These AI models have assisted in streamlining my ideas, providing clarity, and improving the overall presentation of the content. However, the original ideas, opinions, and conceptualizations remain mine. The role of the AI was to polish and refine my raw thoughts, not to generate or influence the fundamental ideas. Therefore, any questions, clarifications, or discussions regarding the content should be directed to me, as the original author. The use of AI in this process was purely for the purpose of enhancing the clarity and coherence of my thoughts, without altering their intrinsic meaning or intent.



Nimesh Patel
Editor for

A father, husband and entrepreneur on a mission to unlock the design potential in every human being and elevate life.