It’s all about the “fancy H”

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2 min readSep 11, 2023

So you bought a domain with the “fancy H” (also known as an h-bar or the reduced Planck constant). Let’s talk about how cool you are now!

You’re unique!

How many other people have a special unicode character as their top-level domain (“TLD”)? The answer? Only those in the Hedera community who have bought the special TLD just like you. You’re part of an exclusive community. Just like how NFTs can be used for profile pictures (“PFP”), your address both sets you apart and joins you with a community of like-minded geniuses.

You can be extra unique!

Did you know that if you add a text record to your Kabuto Name Service domain name with the key of “avatar” and point it to an IPFS or web address where an image resides, you can customize the image associated with your domain’s NFT?

For example, let’s add the Kabuto logo link as the “avatar.kabuto.ℏ” text record like this:

KNS dApp

Now, giving it a few minutes to propagate the various caches, the NFT in Hashpack shows the Kabuto logo instead of the default KNS logo.

NFT Avatars

It’s more accessible than you thought

Let’s address the elephant in the room; it’s not that easy to type in the unicode symbol “ℏ”. Lucky for you, we’ve made it simple. In both the KNS Resolver API and in Hashpack you can just type a normal “h”. That’s right. Typing “kabuto.h” works exactly the same as “kabuto.ℏ”. So you get the benefit of a fancy TLD and the simplicity of the simplest of TLDs.


Owning an “.ℏ” domain comes with some great benefits. You get to demonstrate that you are part of the cool Hedera community. You get to customize your identity in a way others don’t. It’s so much easier to use than you would assume for a special character domain.

DISCLAIMER: Kabuto is not affiliated with Hashpack. This article is informational.

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California-based software development firm. Projects include: MyHbarWallet, Tagachi, and a