Get to know Kaby Arena — chapter 2: Hero Categories & Elements

Kaby Arena
Kaby Arena
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2021

To continue with the Get to know Kaby Arena series, today, we would like to give the spotlight to Hero Categories and Elements.

While Elements are somewhat of a counter measure against the opponent that can be varied case by case, Categories are what dictate a role of a hero in the team, bringing harmony and balance.

Hero Elements

Kaby Arena heroes are of 5 elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Darkness and Light. The elements will help the players to have more creative way to plan for a battle. In addition to having a strong team consist of appropriate hero types, they can spot and target specific weakness of the opponent. For example, if you realize that the opponent’s lineup consist of 3 Water heroes, it is better to avoid using the Fire heroes and if you have a lot of Wind heroes, now it is there time to shine!

Specifically, the elemental counter system works as follows:

  • Fire counters Wind, Wind counters Water, Water counters Fire.
  • Darkness and Light only counter and are countered by each other.

The counter will hit 15% harder and take 15% less damage from the one being countered.

Darkness and Light heroes are scarce and only a small percentage of the heroes will be of these elements. These heroes also will have higher average stats than the other three elements.

Hero Categories

As mentioned briefly in the previous articles, there are 4 hero categories in Kaby Arena: Support, Attack, Defend, HP. These types will define the stats and the skills of the heroes.

Sneak peak: the races of Poseidon, Spirit Bear and Unicorn

An Attack type hero will of course have higher ATK than other type and their skills will more likely emphasize on that advantage. For example, the skills can be range from attacking a chosen target, dealing damage equal to a multiplier of the ATK to having a small percentage to one-hit the target!

On the contrary, a Defend type hero may have skills such as using dealing high DEF as damage or Taunt forcing the enemy to be only able to attack himself, taking the damage for more fragile teammates.

As the name suggests, a Support hero will focus on skills such as Mass Healing, boosting the ATK, DEF, SPD of teammates or putting debuffs on the enemy.

HP type might be the most versatile hero type in the game, mainly because of their flexible skills. They can be aggressive with skills such as sacrifice their own high HP to deal damage to enemy or defensive such as sharing their own HP with a teammate. HP type are often the wildcards that if you play them correctly, you have the upper hand in battle.

Final thoughts

In this article, we have explained about the Hero Categories and Element system in Kaby Arena. With this knowledge, you — the players will on your own come up with creative strategies on how to compose a strong team and how to win battles against each individual opponents.

Stay tuned for more from the “Get to know Kaby Arena” series!



Kaby Arena
Kaby Arena

Kaby Arena is a turn-based RPG NFT game where everyone can play for free.