How to Stake and Earn in Kaby

Samuel Baird aka PmpMstr007
Kaby Arena
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2021

In this article, we walk you step-by-step through everything one needs to know in order to participate Kaby Arena staking events.

What is needed to get started

First things first, before knowing what token to stake a person needs to know what staking pools are available.
For Kaby Arena one would go here -

Kaby Arena Main Staking Page

Be sure to connect wallet and sign digital signature in order for any balances in wallet to appear and become usable.

Left: Screen that appears after clicking connect; Right: MetaMask wallet signature request to connect wallet

Next in order to stake anything a person must have something to stake, so we will help you get to the right places to acquire the correct tokens.

Note: Always make sure the token being purchased is the correct token!

For Kaby Arena, this will be $KABY and $KGT and depending on the staking pool an LP (liquidity pool) token is also a possibility. An LP Token consists of $KABY or $KGT being paired with another token. This will be discussed in more detail later in the article.

For convenience we have linked CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap to the tokens $KABY and $KGT so that one may obtain the correct contract address or more easily add the token directly to their wallet for visibility.

Left: $KABY Contract Address location on CoinGecko; Right: $KGT Contract Address Location CoinMarket Cap

$KABY is on BSC (Binance Smart Chain) and Polygon while $KGT is on BSC only. This is a list of places you may currently acquire one or both of these tokens.

Staking Walkthrough

Left: Traditional Staking Pool; Right: LP Token Staking Pool
  • Step 2: Select staking pool
Staking screen after selecting traditional staking pool
  • Step 3: Enter amount to be staked.
  • Step 4: Click APPROVE.
  • Step 5: Approve and confirm transaction with connected wallet.
  • Step 6: Approve button will now say Stake. Click STAKE.
  • Step 7: Confirm gas fees with connected wallet.

Now the tokens are staked and are earning rewards!

Acquiring LP Tokens

When selecting an LP staking pool there is a link to acquire the specific LP Token needed on following page circled below or it can be manually entered via contract addresses at

Staking screen after choosing LP staking pool

Note: A person would need to to have equal values of both tokens in order to create the desired LP Token.

Left: Liquidity Token screen in PancakeSwap with BUSD+KABY; Right Confirmation Screen of LP Token generation
  • Step 1: Enter the amount of one token and it will auto fill the equivalent amount of the other token.
  • Step 2: Once you have the correct balance Click Supply
  • Step 3: Review amount of LP tokens to be received then click Confirm Supply and approve the transaction and gas fees.
  • Step 4: Now repeat the original steps 1–7 of the Staking Walkthrough.

Note: Don’t forget to click add LP-Cake token to be viewable in wallet. Either way PancakeSwap or Kaby staking pool will recognize them and display amount available for staking or recovering.

Unstaking and Claiming Rewards

A person can unstake at any point in time but there is a 24 hour lock up period and rewards will not be generated while tokens are unstaked. After the lock up period a person will then be able to withdraw their tokens. Rewards will only be generated while the tokens remain staked.

To unstake and withdraw tokens:

  • Step 1: Enter amount to be unstaked.
  • Step 2: Click Unstake.
  • Step 3: Approve and confirm transaction fees in connected wallet.
  • Step 4: Wait 24 hours.
  • Step 5: Click Withdraw.
  • Step 6: Approve and confirm gas fees in connected wallet.

To claim rewards:

  • Step 1: Click Claim.
  • Step 2: Approve and confirm transaction/gas fees in connected wallet.

Now with a full understanding of the process from beginning to end get started staking today! Refer to the previous staking page link to see what staking pools are running and catch up on which ones have ended.

To be the first one in a new pool and earn as much as possible use the links below to stay up to date on all news Kaby!

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | Medium | Telegram Announcement | YouTube

Kaby Army



Samuel Baird aka PmpMstr007
Kaby Arena

I’m a Jack of All Trades and Chains on the Block! Been a gamer for 30+ years and a Trader/Investor for the past few years. Speak the Truth! Live for Peace!