Samuel Baird aka PmpMstr007
Kaby Arena
Published in
7 min readDec 9, 2021


In this article we will take a deeper dive into the blockchain project Kaby Arena by answering a few questions to broaden your awareness of what Kaby Arena is and How its right for you!

Brief Self-Introduction

Before beginning, I would like to entail a bit about myself as at moments in this article, I will be speaking directly from my own perspective and personal experience as a player. My name is Samuel Baird, I have been an avid gamer for 30 years and a Trader/Investor for the past 4 years. Recently however, I have moved entirely into Crypto as its evolution has completely astonished me especially through the revolutionary enhancements blockchain has provided for the world of gaming. I found out about Kaby Arena through a friend and upon entry was hesitant and doubtful that this was legit and even recalled posting, “I’m not connecting my wallet to this” thinking it was a scam…

Through trusting in my friend I came to find out I could not have been more wrong and overly skeptical, though a good practice in crypto, this time it had done me no favors. Since then I have come to find myself fully submerged in gameplay, community involvement, and providing quality feedback. Kaby Arena Founders having such an active presence and community involvement is how I came to be a content creator for Kaby Arena.
Now without further-ado….

What is Kaby Arena

Kaby Arena is a Free-2-Play, Play-2-Earn, turn-based battle arena blockchain game with full utility Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Though soon to have a mobile app, it currently being web-browser based gives it the ability to be played on virtually anything that has access to the internet. In addition with the main characters, heroes, being NFT’s they are not confined solely to being played within the game but can also be collected, traded, bought, and sold via peer-2-peer transactions, the Kaby Arena Marketplace, or any other NFT Marketplace operable with Binance Smart Chain or Polygon blockchains. It’s a game that can be enjoyed with minimal effort over a morning cup of coffee or tea, or played as intensely and competitively as top tier esport games all while having the chance to earn crypto or crypto related rewards.

Through upcoming NFT staking, token staking, and potential upcoming scholarship availability Kaby Arena has something for investors, managers, gamers, crypto enthusiasts, and even the casual internet explorer looking to pass the time. Lastly, with having a founding team as interactive and responsive to feedback as they are at Kaby Arena one begins to realize this is a place where the possibilities are endless. This is Kaby Arena!

Who Can Play Kaby Arena

Kaby Arena is one of those games that anyone can pick up and get involved with from child to adult and has facets to be enjoyed by all (and I have proof!). Having the option to allow auto-battling and speed increase, it is suitable for young kids lacking patience just looking to be entertained or the parent enjoying their coffee seeking casual gameplay.

Anyone can play Kaby Arena that has a Metamask wallet or connectible wallet with Binance Smartchain or Polygon mainnet. As we have found Metamask to be the most popular and universal, down below we have included 2 links to ease the process and help one enjoy the Kaby Arena experience today. The first link is to acquire Metamask, the second, a guide to add Binance SmartChain to Metamask.

Useful links:

The Level of Gamer Right for Kaby

As I said previously Kaby Arena is a good fit for anyone. However, here is why, if one is a serious gamer Kaby Arena is right for them too. Through a variable array of hero stats and skills and a multi-class lineup an elevated plane of strategic gameplay comes alive. Kaby Arena can be as casual or intense as a player chooses to make it, the power is in the player’s hands. Player versus Environment (PvE) provides a methodic casual gameplay experience for those that just want to complete quests and level their heroes while having the ability to challenge themselves the farther they progress.

PvE Map Selection Screen

On the other hand, Player versus Player (PvP), allows the most competitive of players to put their minds to work on skill and equipment sets, stat awareness, and team composition for a fully immersive competitive gameplay experience that can really leave the heart pumping.

In-Game Battle footage with optional detail display tab engaged.

How to Play Kaby Arena

For an in-depth analysis be sure to check back for future publications, but for those looking to get started now, here is what is needed:

  • Internet connection with Web-Browser
  • Metamask wallet (or comparable) if needed see links previously posted.
  • The time a person wants to spend playing

It’s free to start playing. Players are issued 4 non-NFT heroes to start and they will all be Star-1 Level-1. Heroes can be 1–9 stars and are upgradeable via the native token $KABY or by shards, an in-game loot. In addition levels are from 1–10 (with max increased per star upgrade). As levels increase so do a hero’s stats making them more powerful and more valuable. Once a hero has reached max level it has to have its star upgraded in order to restart a new leveling process.

There are 20 maps with 10 stages of which grow in difficulty with advancement. We would suggest obtaining an NFT hero or 2 from the Kaby Arena Marketplace to make earning the daily rewards a bit easier. This is as simple as using Pancake swap, PooCoin swap, Quickswap, Mexc, or and exchanging one coin for another with $KABY being used to purchase heroes/upgrades and $KGT being used to purchase in-game items.

Through playing for free and being active in the discord and telegram community a person will get a good feel and a good deal of assistance when acquiring their very 1st real NFT Kaby Hero.

Kaby Arena Gameplay Benefits

Kaby Arena has pumped out quite a bit in rewards so when it comes to benefits they got it going on and it’s only getting better. For starters, those that just want to play for free or get one hero and keep getting the daily reward each day, they won’t get rich overnight, eventually they will accumulate a nice little chunk of change though, especially if they use those rewards to upgrade their hero as daily rewards come in the form of a loot chest. There is also a very nice rewards pool for the top 500 players on the leaderboards, which at one time, I witnessed 1st place receive $6000 dollars in $KGT (Kaby’s in-game token), now that is impressive!

1st place Weekly Leaderboard Winner 150,000 $KGT~ worth $6000 USD that week!

Also there is my personal favorite, the buying and selling of heroes in the marketplace. By finding good deals and hero leveling one can then sell them for a small to large profit, not to mention the amazing people that can be met during this process.

A side by side view of the Kaby Hero and Item Marketplaces

It’s worth noting that all the benefits do not just come monetarily. Kaby Arena has a very vibrant community of player members and staff who are more than willing to assist and teach to promote everyone’s growth. The staff including the founders themselves are always there to help and take suggestions from the community to provide the best gaming experience possible for their community, and just to be clear this is absolutely priceless nowadays.

With the $KABY and $KGT staking events the opportunities to increase reward earnings only grow by the day. Last but not least through renting heroes or NFT staking collectors and investors alike have the opportunities to have their assortment of heroes work for them to earn rewards as well.

Kaby Arena v.s. Other Games on the BlockChain

Kaby Arena has yet to grow to its full potential as the game isn’t fully finished. With that being said it already blows numerous blockchain games right off the block! Kaby seeks to be an Esport competition worthy game and if you ask me, they are well on their way! When a company gives its community what they request to see in a game, it has no way to go but grow. Compared to Axie Infinity, not going to lie, Axie’s breeding system is desirable and has provided great growth opportunities. However Kaby hasn’t produced their equivalent yet so it has the chance to be even better because, in mine and many other players’ opinion, the battle mechanics, heroes, and hero skills already top that of Axie Infinity. Statements like these come from people, including myself, who have a great deal of time spent playing numerous blockchain games on various different blockchains, and have made pushes in the community to have Kaby Arena ranked higher on the lists of top blockchain games. Depending on how this game rounds out and shapes up as it draws to its final masterpiece, it may just take the cake as #1 blockchain game and give Axie Infinity players a new place to call home!

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Kaby Army



Samuel Baird aka PmpMstr007
Kaby Arena

I’m a Jack of All Trades and Chains on the Block! Been a gamer for 30+ years and a Trader/Investor for the past few years. Speak the Truth! Live for Peace!