Kaby Arena
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2022

We’re thrilled to announce the official launch of NFT rental marketplace — powered by Rikkei Finance. This will help Kaby Arena’s asset owners who have NFTs sitting idle in the wallet and renters with small funds maximize their earning potential.

The article will be providing information on the main user guide, the affiliate program and FAQs for the rental feature.

I/ Main User Guide

Log in

  1. Access https://nft.rikkei.finance/ to start your renting experience

2. Click “Connect Wallet” in the upper right hand corner and then choose “Sign” when the Signature Request pops up.

List an NFT

  1. In the “My NFTs” section, pick an NFT to list and click the “List” button.

2. Enter your parameter setting, maximum number of rental days, and total price per day, then choose “Approve”.

3. Confirm the estimated gas fee.

4. Check the system notification: “List NFT successfully”

Rent an NFT

  1. Click the “Filter” button => choose Kaby, then pick the heroes that you want to rent.

2. Click on an NFT for detailed information, then choose “Add to cart” or “Rent”. The NFT will be added to the cart or ready for the payment transaction.
* Note: You can rent multiple NFTs in one transaction.

3. After choosing “Rent”, enter the number of rental days and choose “Confirm”.

4. A transaction confirmation screen shows up. Add a coupon code for a discount, then click “Confirm”.

5. Confirm all the fees to complete the transaction.

6. Check the system notification: “Rent NFT successfully”


  • What currency is used to transact on the Rifi NFT Marketplace?

RiFi NFT Marketplace transacts in BNB.

  • Are there any hidden fees or charges?

Asset owners are responsible for the gas fees associated with listing their NFTs. Asset owners will receive 90% of the rental fee, while the rental transaction fee — 10% of the rental fee — is paid to the marketplace treasury.

  • Can a user cancel the rental after the transaction is completed?

Once the rental transaction has been completed, we are not able to reverse or cancel the transaction.

  • Can users use their listed assets when they are rented?

No. Listed NFTs remain with the marketplace smart contract and cannot be used by asset owners during the listing and rental period.

  • Where will an NFT return after a rental period ends? Wallet or marketplace?

After a rental period ends, an NFT is automatically re-listed in the marketplace.

II/ Affiliate User Guide

Follow this handy guide to start earning your commissions.

Become an Affiliate Partner

  1. Click the profile icon in the upper right hand corner and your profile page will show up.

2. Choose “Affiliate Program” and copy your Referral Link

3. Invite people to connect their wallets via your link.

Referred Users MUST click on your referral link, connect their wallet and complete rental transactions in order for you to receive a commission.

4. The Signature Request pops up, choose “Sign”.

5. Earn a commission with each rental transaction completed by your referred users. This can be viewed in the Commissions Pipeline.


  • How much can an affiliate get in commissions?

The base commission tier for an Affiliate Partner is 20% of the RiFi Marketplace rental transaction platform fee.

  • When do affiliates get paid?

Affiliate Partner commissions sweeps are conducted at the end of every month, based on the rental transactions completed within that calendar month. The commissions are then transferred to the Affiliate Partner’s wallet within five (5) working days.

  • What form of payment will an affiliated person get?

Affiliate commissions are paid out in BNB.

📙 For more information, please visit here: https://rikkei-finance.gitbook.io/rifi-resources/faqs/affiliate-partner-faqs

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Kaby Arena
Kaby Arena

Published in Kaby Arena

Kaby Arena is a Free to Play turn based RPG game, featuring countless unique NFT heroes and equipment.

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