Kaby Arena Races Intro Series: Eagle — the watcher of the Kaby World

Kaby Arena
Kaby Arena
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2021

Eagles claim themselves to be the loyal servants of Zet — the embodiment of Thunder and Lightning. According to the myth, in ancient time, Zet had descended into Kaby World, taking the form of an Eagle and punished its enemy. In the present day, the Eagles are living on the Roof — the highest mountain range, performing the duty of watching over the Kaby World, waiting for the return of their master.

The Roof

The Roof is the highest mountain range of the Kaby World and is said to be the place closest to the realm of extraterrestrial beings. For that reason, the Eagles have decided to settle on these peaks to serve their master better.

These Eagles take it on themselves to protect the Kaby World because they believe if they perform their duty diligently, their master will return and take them together to his realm. With the rise of the Evil force, the Eagles see this as an opportunity to fulfill their duty.

Race Talent

The Eagles take pride in their speed, as they were once the vessel for Zet the embodiment of thunder and lightening. Having an Eagle on your side, you can assure that you will always have the upper hand in any combat.

Aquila Express: Blink your eyes, you might have already been hit by the Eagle… twice! As a Leader, an Eagle will improve all allies SPD by 5%. When not the Leader, an Eagle can roam free and have their SPD increased by 10%.

*Note: All numbers above are to demonstrate the talent of a 5-star-Eagle.

About Kaby Arena

Kaby Arena adopts both Free-to-Play and Play-to-Earn models, so you can join completely free, get more and more involved in the game and earn adequately to your efforts. The rewards are in many forms: from loot-boxes, equipment, cosmetics, skill SFX to $KABY — our main currency.

Kaby Arena is developed by Ziga Studio, an established game studio since 2014. Kaby Arena will be the first blockchain project released by Ziga, expected to join a list of 8 existing games which totalled to nearly 1 million Monthly Active Users from Ziga’s players base.

We hope you will get onboard with us in this exciting adventure ahead!

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Kaby Arena
Kaby Arena

Kaby Arena is a turn-based RPG NFT game where everyone can play for free.