Year End Accomplishments and New Year Objectives

Samuel Baird aka PmpMstr007
Kaby Arena
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2021

This article will cover Kaby Arena’s 2021 accomplishments and challenges as well as goals and desires for 2022 from the team and the community.


Kaby Arena has been a journey for everyone from the founders to the players. With that being the case it only seemed right to gather this list from everyone.

Coming from founder Nhan Bui, one of the biggest achievements thus far has been the fact that this game was built from scratch then released and has been being balanced on the fly ever since.

Here is a list of many other achievements:

  • Launched an addictive game in 3 months of conception
  • Produced both tokens and achieved listings on Coin Market Cap and Coin Gecko in 2 months
  • Successfully gave away over one full month of PvE rewards totaling well over $50,000 USD
  • Rolled out Skill Upgrades and Rerolls
  • Brought Kaby Marketplace Online and Working
  • Released PvP Siege without fail
  • Maintained transparency and constant communication with community on feedback
  • Constant enhancement and implementation of feedback
  • Continually following through on deadlines and promises
  • Obtained a strong marketing director to help generate growth
  • Steady active user growth
  • Have had more than 13 Million KABY worth of volume in hero marketplace with highest priced hero selling for 250,000 KABY
  • Have had almost 10 Million KGT worth of volume in the item marketplace with the highest price item sell being 62,011 KGT


This has been no small feat as Quoted directly by Nhan Bui,

“Our biggest challenge and also our biggest accomplishment is building the game from scratch and balancing it on the fly.”

Other challenges our team has undergone and our amazing community has stood strong through are:

  • Pre-mature map reset that caused a Leaderboard rank debacle that developers went through and personally made right.
  • Mobile app store hardships that had to be overcome to stay on course.
  • Marketplace rebalancing to avoid over saturated market and increased case use for KGT
  • Establishing marketing direction
  • Establishing a sustainable P2E model
  • Establishing F2P model

What is Next in 2022

Things to look forward to in the New Year is the awaited Mobile App, the 1st big tournament to come shortly after that and the Wiki Page with skills list.

Some other things presented by the community that is desired to see is:

  • Scholarship and renting structure
  • Breeding/Fusion
  • PvE and F2P rewards restructure
  • Economic model enhancement
  • Human to Human matchmaking

The community and the team has high hopes and big plans for Kaby Arena and its future path to esports gaming. The best way to stay up to date on everything going on is to use these links below. Subscribe, follow, join, and be active in everything Kaby because tomorrow starts today.

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | Medium | Telegram Announcement | YouTube

Kaby Army



Samuel Baird aka PmpMstr007
Kaby Arena

I’m a Jack of All Trades and Chains on the Block! Been a gamer for 30+ years and a Trader/Investor for the past few years. Speak the Truth! Live for Peace!