How to use The Bag of Holding for Kadena (KDA)

3 min readDec 16, 2019


This has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 only
Did NOT work on WSL in testing

Install prerequisites

sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev git curl -ysudo curl -sSL | sh

Download and compile BoH

git clone bag-of-holding/stack install (will take a while)

wait until all the steps are finished

Create your config file

cd ~/.local/binnano keys.json #and paste those lines (replace with your keys){
"private": "YOUR-PRIVATE-KEY",
"public": "YOUR-PUBLIC-KEY"

Ctrl+x then y and enter to save

Start the wallet

./boh wallet --keyfile=keys.json --account=YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME

Replace YOUR-ACCOUNT-NAME with your account name
By default it is your public key

Using the wallet

Check your Balance with B

Initiate a transfer with T

Receiver must have a balance or BoH wont work
To send to an empty wallet, use

Enter the Chain from 0 to 9
Press TAB to move to the next input and type in the receiver address
Tab again and set the amount
Needs to have .0 at the end or it wont work

Tab to move to the confirmation selection and SPACE to accept it

Press ENTER to Initiate the transaction

Transfer enabled and working!

