From MeteorHacks to KADIRA VOICE

Arunoda Susiripala
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2015

I started the MeteorHacks blog in early 2013 as a way to blog about my experience in Meteor. Eventually that led to a bunch of useful articles and projects like Laika, FastRender, SubsManager and many more projects.

MeteorHacks home page

MeteorHacks was also the starting point for Kadira, a performance monitoring service you, I, and everyone else we know uses. Now I am not alone, but work with an awesome team that builds cool stuff at Kadira.

Welcome to the KADIRA VOICE

I always like to share and openly discuss the stuff we do at Kadira. But now we have a team and we have a lot of cool stuff to share. So, that’s what we are doing with KADIRA VOICE.

It’s a collection of our success stories, failures, and experiments at Kadira. These include our open-source development with FlowRouter, Meteor Up, and many other projects.

So, I invite you to follow the KADIRA VOICE Medium collection and share your feedback as we go.

Just go to the top of this page and click the follow button to subscribe to our posts.

Why on Medium?

It was a tough call to use medium to publish our posts. For MeteorHacks, we used a Jekyll-based static site and it worked out pretty well. At that time, I personally didn’t like Medium.

But now things have changed. Medium got a lot of cool features for both readers and writers. It has a good readership. Now we can even notify followers via Letters. (Don’t worry, we won’t spam you!)

Frankly, choosing Medium was much easier because Basecamp switched their Signal v. Noise blog to Medium recently.

Our Promise

I hope you enjoyed our posts from MeteorHacks and the recent posts from the Kadira Blog. With KADIRA VOICE we’ll regularly publish new content focusing on Meteor, GraphQL and stuff related to web performance. We‘ll publish at least six posts per month and we may send you a Letter every month.

This will be an awesome journey! Follow us and let’s discuss.

