Introducing Mantra Tutor

Learn ES2015, React and Meteor with Mantra.

Arunoda Susiripala
1 min readJan 26, 2016


We released Mantra a few weeks ago, and we have had tremendous support from the community. Thank you!

Currently we are working on building a module system for Mantra. It’s almost complete and we are planning to release it later this week.

Sometimes, the stuff we used in Mantra is foreign to some developers. This includes the ES2015 syntax, modern React and even testing. So, they have been looking for some documentation and tutorials on how to get started with Mantra.

That’s exactly what we are doing with Mantra Tutor. It’s a fun learning experience.

The Mantra Tutor courses follow the same format we used for BulletProof Meteor and LearnGraphQL, which have been trusted by more than 20,000 developers. This is our new addition to that group.

Say Hello to ES2015

We’ve started with ES2015. With this course, you can learn ES2015 and experience real-life use cases. Then you can use ES2015 on your projects and be productive.

Let’s start: Say Hello to ES2015.

