Kadira: Shutting Down

Arunoda Susiripala
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2016

I think this might not be a surprise for you, if you follow recent discussions on Meteor forums. As of the 31st of December, we are shutting down almost everything related to Kadira. As I said earlier, if you are using Kadira APM, you could still use it to monitor Meteor apps as long as you can.

Startup Life

I think it’s no secret that 99 per cent of startups fail. Just like others, we wanted to reach bigger goals. In our case, we wanted to be the best in performance monitoring services. We were pretty successful with Meteor, but the market of Meteor apps was pretty small for us. We tried going into different markets, but we found it pretty challenging.

Kadira is a 100 per cent bootstrapped company from my personal funds. Over the last three years, we made a decent living out of Kadira, but it was not as profitable as we wanted. A few months ago, we had to make a decision about going forward or shutting down. By factoring every aspect, including my personal goals, we decided to shut down Kadira.

Our Users

If you are an existing Kadira APM user, you might be worried about this situation. I totally understand that. But as I said on the Meteor forums, you have nothing to worry about.

We are running Kadira APM as is for another two months. That means you could use our hosted version of Kadira until the 28th of February 2017.

After that, you’ll be able to run Kadira yourself. We’ll provide an easy Docker-based deployment solution and a pretty simple cloud deployment solution. You will also be able to export your existing data on kadira.io and use it inside the self-hosted version.

We’ll provide more updates about this soon.

Our Online Assets

We have a bunch of online assets, like BulletProof Meteor, Learn GraphQL, Flow Router guide, blog posts and open source projects. There won’t be big changes for most of those and they’ll continue to be available as it is.

There might be some changes in the branding, but we won’t kill them.


It’s pretty sad to see an end like this. I have learned great lessons running Kadira over these past few years. I made a lot of mistakes, too. But ending something is not just the end. It’s the start of something new.

So, keep in touch with my personal blog about my next plans.

