They Should Have Killed Alex Karev

Kaeleen Michelle
Kae Recaps
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2020
Photo via ABC

When the news first broke that Justin Chambers would be leaving, I said the only way for them to write Alex off without character assassination would be to kill him, and I was right.

Because this is worse.

To take a character who has grown so much over the years and who has become a character we love to root for, and regress them back is an injustice.

The season one Alex Karev probably would’ve left his wife and best friend, given a reason.

Season sixteen Alex would not.

If he found out he has kids, of course he would want to be in their lives, because that’s who he is. But he would ask Jo to come with him. Randomly falling in love with Izzie after a ten year absence seems cheap and the cowardly way out.

I’ll be the first to say that I loved Izzie & Alex, from the moment he carried her from Denny’s bed when he died to the moment Meredith & Derek gave up their wedding day for them. But that ship had sailed and was irrelevant for years. He had found happiness in Jo.

And then he left her.

What was the point?

And is this really the last we’ll see of our beloved Alex? At this point, I hope the answer is no and they just let him be.

As for me, I’ll be watching old episodes for the rest of my life and pretending like none of this ever happened!




Kaeleen Michelle
Kae Recaps

I drink a lot of coffee. Here you’ll find fashion, entertainment, culture, & the good old personal essay. Tweet me @kaeleenmmichelle