
Hudson Harriman-Smith
2 min readMar 18, 2017


It’s spring break! Demo Day was instrumental in giving us direction for the next steps in developing the app. There are some minor additions, like linking the front page to the app database and adding extra features and options to scholarships, that are doable in a small amount of time. But there are some larger things we must work on to finish the app that might take a while: like setting up the database for programs based outside of Wesleyan, setting up the initial search page, and fixing the bugs that don’t allow filtering and searching to happen at the same time. We also have to setup a login page, which sounds like it might take a while, but there are many, many Gems in the ruby library to help us out with that. After we get the app up and running, we also have to get every department and organization that offers funding of some kind at Wesleyan to post their opportunities on the database, and ask them to use that database in the future.

Scaffolding was incredibly helpful in basically setting up the blueprint for the app, and for us to just put in our HTML over it and build the database underneath it.

This is the first time I’ve programmed a web app in Ruby on Rails. It’s been a great learning experience, and I find myself enjoying programming in Rails. The integration of HTML with Ruby syntax makes it intuitive to create functional websites, especially with help from scaffolding. This makes me interested in learning the database language SQL and creating future projects in Rails.

