Full Day Workshop on the Security Culture Framework

Kai Roer
Security culture and other ramblings
2 min readAug 7, 2015



It is with great pleasure I invite you, you readers, to this special opportunity to join a full-day workshop on the Security Culture Framework. Why is this such a big thing? Simple: Previously, we have only done half-day workshops on parts of the workshop, or virtual workshops like the Security Culture Summer Camp. Now you get to spend one full day with me to learn all about the Security Culture Framework, and how to use it!

The workshop is being organized by ISACA Slovenia, and takes place in beautiful Ljubljana, fully worth a visit on it´s own, if you ask me. Time is September 24th, as part of the ISACA Slovenia conference (which you also should consider, a lot of the program is in English), and it looks great too! Oh, and did I mention the conference is to be held at the Zrece Spa! I will be there, and I will indulge myself to the fullest!

ISACA is charging a very reasonable 347.70 Euros including taxes for the workshop (must be paid in advance!). Participation in the workshop entitles you 8 CPE hours too!

The program of the day looks like this:

  • 9.00–10.30 Key concepts of security culture
  • 10.30–11.00 Coffee break
  • 11.00–11.45 Metrics
  • 11.45–13.00 Organisation and topics
  • 13.00–14.00 Lunch
  • 14.00–14.30 Plan
  • 14.30–15.00 Conclusions

Which means you should be able to catch the evening flights out of Ljubljana, or join me for a beer in the afternoon. I would certainly prefer the latter!

You can sign up here. More information at the ISACA Slovenia website. And should you be reading this too late (after September 20th 2015), you can always download the PDF here: 23konf-rkis_1506_invitation-workshop

