Moving to Medium — a Major Move!

Kai Roer
Security culture and other ramblings
2 min readDec 1, 2016


Expect more on culture!

I think it is time to realise that the days of self-hosting blogs is over and gone. With great new platforms like Medium, sharing thoughts and ideas becomes much more valuable — more readers equals more impact, and when you set out to create a better world, impact matters.

I am hoping that Medium will make it easier for my readers to interact with me and my content, and that sharing my work, research and findings here will influence more people and organisations. Over the coming weeks, I will migrate content from the old platform to this one, and in doing so I hope to achieve better results for all.

The domain will remain, and point to the Medium Publication (where you read this). The content, some of it dating as far back as 2006 (my older content got lost in a transition back then), will remain accessible. That also include the blunders, errors, spelling mistakes and much more. I also hope that moving illustrations and pictures will prove easy, if not, I will have to spend quite some time moving it all. After all, it more than a decade of ramblings!

AFAIK, comments on the old blog / content, will be lost in the move. Please forgive me.

Another benefit I hope to see from this move to Medium, is more writing. I have not been very productive in the past year, and I want to see that change.

As always, keep them thoughts and comments coming — I am looking forward to exchanging ideas!

