The 2018 Security Culture Report reveals huge differences between countries

Kai Roer
Security culture and other ramblings
1 min readSep 25, 2018


Today, my company CLTRe published its annual security culture report. In the 2018 edition, we examined the differences (and similarities) of 7 different languages across 8 countries. The findings are quite revealing.

The 2018 Language comparison from the Security Culture Report 2018 by CLTRe.

Most notably, there are quite some variation in the total scores — Finland and Poland seems to have a better security culture than the rest, and Holland and Denmark seems to be doing worst. If we start looking at individual security culture dimensions, for example Communication, there are quite large differences too.

You can download the full report, for free, at

To learn how you can measure security culture at your organisation too, contact our sales team!

Should you want me to present our findings at your event, you can contact me on twitter or LinkedIn. Or by email: kai @ roer <dot> com

