Welcome to Kaia Community Townhall!

Kaia Foundation
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2024

The Klaytn Community Town Hall, organized monthly by the Klaytn Foundation, will be returning as the Kaia Community Town Hall!

Community participation is crucial in the Kaia ecosystem, which is being built to become Asia’s №1 blockchain and the largest Web3 governance in Asia. The unified Foundation aims for a circular chain of Kaia community engagement and benefit structures, and the interest, participation, and oversight of community members is one of the most important factors in building a healthy Kaia chain and governance.

In order to increase the visibility of Kaia ecosystem participants, listen to their feedback, and communicate with them, the newly launched Kaia Townhall will focus on the news from Finschia Foundation, as opposed to Klaytn alone. Therefore, the news of Klaytn, the Finschia Foundation, and ecosystem partners will be delivered vividly every month, from the mouths of the respective representatives and partners.

First Resumption Schedule

  • When: Wednesday, June 26 (held on the last Wednesday of each month)
  • KR: 7:30pm KST — 8:30pm KST
  • ENG: 9:00pm KST — 10:00pm KST
  • Where: Kaia Discord

Topics and Agenda

Unlike regular AMAs, Kaia Community Town Halls are centered around presentations on the status of each part of Kaia, with a lead or council member from each major department giving a status update.

  • Monthly Recap
  • June Kaia Ecosystem Highlights and Achievements Recap
  • Merge Progress Update
  • Ecosystem Updates
  • Biz & Gov Updates
  • Tech Updates
  • Marketing Updates
  • EN Community Q&A

As the Kaia Mainnet launch gathers momentum, the revived Kaia Community Town Hall will be a key point of communication between Kaia ecosystem participants and Kaia. We look forward to seeing you there. See you on the Kaia Discord tomorrow!



Kaia Foundation
Editor for

We're the team spearheading the ecosystem and technological development of the Kaia blockchain.