Next Stop: La Fortuna

Kaitlyn Chiasson
Kaitlyn’s Comm 151 Blog
2 min readMay 13, 2021


La Fortuna should be the next destination on your travel list.

It is a town located in Costa Rica that is rich with culture. The food, the sights, and Arenal Volcano are all worth the trip.

La Fortuna, which is located near San Jose, is home to the great, active volcano, Arenal. The volcano is so large you can see it from almost anywhere in the town.

Not only do you get the sight itself while in La Fortuna, but there are even hiking tours you can take up Arenal.

Near the volcano, there is a beautiful lake and a cloud forest. You could have the opportunity to walk through real life clouds.

Another great aspect of this part of Costa Rica is the rain forests. It has lush, miles of rain forests that you can walk through.

One of the best activities you can do in the rain forest is zip lining. They offer a tour where you can fly on top of the trees in the rain forest. It’s one the most thrilling experiences you will have.

Another activity you can do in the rain forest is cross the Mistico Arenal Hanging Bridges. These bridges are almost 2,000 feet in the air, meaning you are walking above the rain forest trees. It is a bit of the walk, but very worth it.

The rain forests in Costa Rica are beautiful and filled with amazing wildlife. Even at hotels or in the town itself you will find all types of new and exciting plants and animals.

In the rain forest specifically, you can see bats, toucans, capybaras and more. There are also huge lush trees and so many flowers you’ll never see anywhere else.

Not only is the wildlife unique, but the food and culture is even more so. They have amazing fruit juices made with the freshest fruit you will ever taste. The pineapple, water melon, and papaya you eat will have all been harvested that day or the day before.

La Fortuna is one of the most beautiful places you could ever visit. The food and the wildlife are something everyone should experience at least once in their lifetime.

