Runners’ Problem – The Question You Most Likely Forgot To Ask

Antti Niittyviita
Kaizen Hour
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2021

Just before sitting down to write today, I finished re-reading the book Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho. In the book Paulo tells a story of doing a pilgrimage from the border of France through the routes of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

Throughout the book, his motive for the pilgrimage was to find a sword that was hidden. Through the book he practiced rituals of some ancient tradition in hopes to become worthy of finding the sword. But nothing helped.

At the very end of the journey he finally stopped in a revelation. Not once, during the quest for the sword, had he asked the most important question.

I often meet people in my workshops who are eagerly looking for the how-to -solutions for their problems. A common way to look for answers is to open Google or Youtube and start searching.

Answers are easy to find with the abundance of the Internet. And it is very simple to start practicing too.

But what most don’t notice is that practice doesn’t make perfect. Practice makes permanent.

There is nothing worse than to run enthusiastically and then in the end notice that you were running in the wrong direction.

This is the Runners’ Problem.

Enthusiasm gets you going. Motivation keeps you moving. And practice makes it permanent. This is why the Runners’ Problem should be addressed before proceeding with any goal that you have.

The question at the end of the Pilgrimage was simple. When I find the sword, what will I do with it?

Now, think about your goals.

You too are seeking a sword of some kind. So what will you do with it, once you find it? What is the purpose of your journey? What does it mean to you when you finally wield your sword? Who will you impact positively? Who are you becoming on this journey?

If you think these questions are important, let me give you a challenge. Take out a sheet of paper, choose one of your goals and start answering the questions. Observe how you feel while you do this and when you’re finally done writing.

Now go and get to it!

P.S. Have you ever felt like you could need a bit more confidence? If you have, I’ve launched a video training called Confidence Unleashed. Over 340 people have already done it. Check it out here:



Antti Niittyviita
Kaizen Hour

Today the world doesn’t need your fear or your worry. Now, more than ever, it needs the best version of you!