Journaling for a successful 2021

Dolly Garland
Kaizen Journaling
Published in
5 min readNov 25, 2020


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

We all know that as soon as January 1st arrives, there will be a lot of people making new year’s resolutions, and for the first month at least there will be a lot of chatter about that. And then…well, most of those resolutions will be forgotten.

I don’t like resolutions. They seem gimmicky. But let’s call them goals, and I am on board. I must admit, I do like the tidiness of a new year, or a new month, or a new week to start something. So planning for a new year is always fun. But if you want a successful 2021, deciding what you are going to do on January 1st is a bit late. Or at least untidy. Obviously, it depends on what your goals are, and how detailed planning you want to do.

Let’s assume that there are a fair few things you want to achieve. Perhaps you want to change something in your career, lose weight, find the right partner, become a better parent, look after your health, travel (when we are all finally allowed!), make more money, save more money, pursue a hobby…whatever it is, it helps to write it down. But if you are like me and want to do a million things, then you also need to prioritise.

Maybe you want to do so many things that you are having a difficult time prioritising. Maybe, you are still reflecting on where you are right now, and not clear about where you want to be in 2021. Journaling can help with all of these. I…



Dolly Garland
Kaizen Journaling

I write to connect the dots for myself and hope it helps others. An eternal optimist. Founder of Kaizen Journaling.