Leaders are readers

Tyson Pham
2 min readFeb 5, 2021



Today we talked about reading during our lunch break at @ITGRATE.

Here are our 3 nuggets from the conversation:

⭐️ When was the last time we really learned to read?

When we were 6 or 7 years old. Meaning most of us read like a child: sequentially scanning the order of letters. Many complain about getting tired while reading, or even read to fall asleep. — Content adé! Our brains are far too efficient for this kind of reading. It’s like watching a blockbuster at half speed.

I completely re-learned how to read last year, so not only do I read much faster (the book becomes a blockbuster), but I also read better and remember the content longer.

⭐️ Reading a lot but not implementing is a waste of time?

We believe that you should definitely read a lot on a regular basis. Preferably content that deals more deeply with a topic (Twitter or IG posts do not apply). At the same time, we don’t want push us to implement all of the content to degenerate into stress (and disappointment if you couldn’t do it). We think, the knowledge gets combined in our heads with regular reading and we can access it when it becomes relevant. That’s how it is for me.

⭐️ Millionaires are readers? Readers become millionaires?

Leaders are readers! It is said that successful people read a lot. We see two mechanisms that might correlate with success: Discipline and information gathering. Today there are many other tools to your goals: Audiobooks, podcasts, online courses, webinars, etc.

And yes…action is crucial!

🧬 Readers or non-readers: what we have in common is that we like to absorb and implement new knowledge.

❓ Do you see it the same way we do?

❓ How often and HOW do you read?

❓ Check out Jim Kwik’s YouTube-Video, who inspired me to read!

#leadersarereaders #selfhelp



Tyson Pham

Throughout my journey I learned from many people. Now, I am creating content to give back. On YT, IG and Medium about Entrepreneurship and Personal Growth.