Dear Readers, we have work to do.

Kajal Magazine
Kajal Magazine


We’re sorry we didn’t reach out on Wednesday — we needed a few days to process what happened.

Many outlets and people are saying this is a new America. Trump promises a lot of policy many never thought would be seen again in this country. But this is not a new America, we are just seeing it for what it is. Though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, her win was marginal. Nearly half of America believes this country is not for anyone who isn’t Christian, white, straight, cis and able-bodied.

But in the words of the Civil Rights Movement that paved the way before us, together, we shall overcome.

Kajal Magazine has always been a platform for marginalized voices. And it will continue to be a place to share perspectives from underrepresented groups. In the wake of this election, though, we intend to work harder — we will create more content, share more stories, and drive action. We understand our bias as an all South Asian staff, but we intend to use our voices to uplift our cousins from other minority groups.

We are going to work harder and speak louder. It’s an uphill battle to carve out a safe space for all of us, but we’re willing to put in the work.

While we start preparing, here are some of our favorite articles for healing and action. We’ll be in touch soon. Take care of each other.

— The Kajal Team

Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Will Likely Increase. Here’s How Not To Be A Bystander

Once Again, Black Women Did the Work White Women Refused To

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: What it means to be black during a Trump administration

Don’t Just Grieve for Immigrants — Fight for Immigrants

Dear Queer America: Here Is What We Must Do Now That Trump Will Be President

The Electoral College Was Designed to Prevent Trump. You Can Make This Happen.

Private Prison Stocks Are Surging After Trump’s Win

Welcome to the Fight

Concrete Suggestions in Preparation for January 2017’s change in American government (by demographic issue, but for any interested readers)



Kajal Magazine
Kajal Magazine

A South Asian-centered Art and Opinion Magazine, part of the Kajal Media family