Photo credit provided by the author KAKA LAM 嘉嘉 @iamkakalamkk

A Poem

Celestial Journeys

A Poem — Embracing Freedom and Love Among the Stars

2 min readSep 18, 2023


Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Drifting and wandering among the stars,
Seeking freedom, finally attained.
No longer concerned with inadequate contributions,
Reborn as an individual, merging with the void.

With a smile and a wave, we embrace departure,
Having shared happiness and bliss.
Origins and endings, holding and letting go,
No longer gazing with guilt and remorse.

Perhaps at some intersection of fate,
A stranger’s smiling face no longer proves
The memories of once embracing.

The wounds of time, the departure of loved ones,
The tightly held hands gradually loosen.
Countless planets in the universe, like dreams,
Once ablaze in the sky, illuminating you.

Even falling into ordinary dreams holds value,
Understanding later to seize opportunities.
The tenderness given in…



Writer, Poet, Content Creator & Banker. Holds 4 Master’s Degrees, is pursuing a Doctoral Degree. Substack: @iamkakalamkk