Entrepreneurs are like kids with a new toys

And that’s maybe why they are successful

Taiki Beaufils (ボーフィス大器)
Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2016


Today I was fortunate enough to attend founder institute meetup at our office in Bangkok since my CEO leads group of entrepreneurs.

One question a lot of people ask is why entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs. The question sounds stupid but when you face what they are facing everyday, you may understand why.

I found that tipically and especially early stage startup entrepreneurs work an average of 52 hours a week. That’s 63% longer than the average worker. You know how much they are working their ass off.

You are probably wondering: “But should we really be working that many hours?”

Read this one as I’m not going to dig into this discussion but former intern wrote an great article about it.

No one become an entrepreneur because of wanting to work less. As a matter of fact, most entrepreneurs work an insane amount of times. They may have downtime to rest, but they’re at least thinking about their business even while resting.

Having said that, let’s come back to why entrepreneurs are like a kid with a new toy.

Credit: Gerry Roarty

During networking hour of the meetup, my CEO was showing off prototype app (which I can’t mention anything about it yet, but it’s pretty awesome) to other entrepreneurs.

They were about seven grown men getting excited with this new app we’ve just created. It looked like bunch of children going after one toys. Seriously, they looked like a happy kids.

As I was observing these entrepreneurs (Sounds creepy but observing how successful people talk and behave will make you a better person…I hope ), I saw something that I rarely see since I’ve become an adult.

The thrill, excitement, and pure joy.

We, adults don’t really get excited as we used to compare to when we were still kids. Unfortunately, we somehow manage to forget this feeling over a time.

Well, I saw why entrepreneurs SUCCESS in this partcular moment.

Am I crazy?

To answer why entrepreneurs can’t stop being entrepreneurs is pretty simple. They enjoy, it’s their passion, pure passion.

When entrepreneurs build their businesses, I’m sure it must be similar feeling. They feel like making a toy for themselves. These people have never forgotten this children feeling.

And if you can make a living out of this feeling, your passion, you will of surely be successful.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.

— Steve Jobs

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