How to Better Spend 50 Mins of Your Day

50 mins of social media won’t help you be a better person.

Taiki Beaufils (ボーフィス大器)


Today I’m going to show you how to spend 50 minutes of your day wisely.


For those of you who don’t have 50 minutes per day because they are too busy, once you know what it is, and how it works, you’ll want to kick yourself for not trying it sooner.

Before jumping in to how you can spend 50 minutes of your day wisely, why don’t we discuss what do we actually spend on 50 minutes per day?

Any idea…?

The answer is…Facebook.

The other day I came across with TechCrunch article that Mark Zuckerberg said “People from all over the world spend on average of more than 50 minutes a day using Facebook, Instagram and Messenger” … and WhatsApp isn’t even included in the data.

What on earth people spend that much time for these social media?

I’m a social media manager. So I have to stay little longer than usual people.

Nowadays, people use Facebook as a super-personalized news aggregated app full of trendy news, entertainment, communities, events, information, and stories about pretty much EVERYTHING.

You actually don’t even need to download any more apps.

The best part of Facebook is that it keeps on refreshing every single day whether you like it or not.

I always play around with Facebook or any other social media platforms to figure out what is better way to market for people like you.

As Facebook continues to grow, I expect more time people will spend on the platform. That is very reason why we should be careful now.

So here are list of things you, including me, can spend our 50 minutes of Facebook time wisely everyday.

1. Working Out

I experimented myself with this one. I take about 50 minutes just to complete my work out session at the gym. I don’t just go and talk to other people. I carefully plan my work out load of the day and measure time in order to maximize training.

It’s hard but you spend your 50 minutes wisely.

2. Networking Events

If there are any networking event around you, you go for it. Not only you get a chance to grow your connection but also you stay updated within your industry without the help from Facebook.

Networking events last longer than 50 minutes. But how much of networking event time is actually valuable? I think if you stay 50 minutes, you are more determined on what you will seek for, therefore you will get much more out of it than stay in the event for 3 hours without objective.

3. Tidy up Your Room

In Japan there is saying that goes something like “If one’s room is dirty, one’s heart is in a bad state”, which I find true. Not that because I’m Japanese but whenever I clean my room, I feel good. I want to something good more. Tidying up actually triggers the chain of good behaviours.

Just tidy up your bed when you wake up will make a huge difference in your behaviour of the day.

4. Read Books

This is for obvious reason. But those of you who don’t like to read, you can always try audio book or podcast. If you have 50 minutes, you can at least consume 2 podcast shows.

5. Learn a New Skill

Do you like music? Then why don’t you borrow your friends guitar or Ukulele to start learning a few songs. If you spend 50 minutes everyday on this, you will easily learn basic songs in a month. Believe me I did that!
If you are not into music, why not start learning how to code or speed reading?
I learned speed reading as well as speed hearing (yes, it exists!) to help me read more books in a short time. On average I read one book per day. And that’s 365 books per year!

6. Meditation

Ok. I get that meditating for 50 minutes strait is tough at first. But everything starts from somewhere. You don’t even need 10 minutes to meditate. I meditate everyday minimum of 10 and up to 30 minutes.

Outcome of meditation is tremendous. In my case, I sleep better, I focus better, I’m less anxious and less stressed.

7. Start Blogging

You can use 50 minutes of your day on writing something you like. Everyone has their own rhythm to write. I take, depends on the topic and length of article, around 1 or 2 hours to write one. You don’t need a website to blog. There are so many writing platforms out there (my favourite one is Medium) you can start writing today. Maybe one of your article attract attention and you’ll be a influencer in your industry.

8. Call Your Old Friends or Family

Because I move one place to another almost every year, I have friends from around the world. I realized one thing very important which is whenever I move around I spend time with people who I don’t really care that much more than who I truly care.

And I think you do too. I don’t say everyday. But calling your family or true friends every now and then out of your 50 Facebook time is definitely worth it.

What do you think?
How would you spend 50 mins of your day?

[Day 6 of 30 days writing challenge! ]

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