KAKI No-Loss Trading Game (Arbitrum) Detailed Guide

Becky | KAKI
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2021

Step 1: Transfer your ETH to Layer2

First, open the link to the KAKI no-loss trading game and set your wallet to the Ethereum Mainnet.

Click on the “Bridge”, it will jump to the Arbitrum bridge.

What you need to do here is transfer some of your ETH to Layer 2 as gas. We need to ensure that we are in the Ethereum Mainnet, enter the amount (for example, 1, which means one ETH), and click on “deposit.” Your transaction would be displayed below, and we need to wait for 3–5 mins before the transaction completes.

Step 2: Deposit your fund to Layer 2

Now we already have some ETH in Layer 2. Before proceeding with no-loss trading game, we need to convert the USDC to KUSDC on Layer 2, the certificate for trading lossless options. First, make sure your wallet is on Etheteum Mainnet (Layer 1), and stay with “stable coin” on the YIELD interface, then click on “DEPOSIT”.

Please note: deposit may require a high GAS fee, if you want to trade a small amount, you can ignore this step and jump directly to step A.

Click on “DEPOSIT”, enter the amount you want to deposit and confirm the transaction in Metamask.

When you see the notification of “success” means you have successfully deposited your funds into layer2. You can see in the tips that it requires around 10 minutes. By now you should switch your network to Arbitrum Network.

Swap on DODO (another way of getting kUSDC)

Step A: Transfer your token on L1 to L2 through Arbitrum bridge .(https://bridge.arbitrum.io/)

Step B: Swap your token to kUSDC on DODO.

First, make sure you are on the Arbitrum mainnet. Then click on “Swap on DODO”

kUSDC adress:0x4f947b40beeb9d8130437781a560e5c7d089730f

Step C: By now, you can interact with KAKI directly with kUSDC on Arbitrum: you can create a team (with at least 2020 kUSDC), join a team, and trade on Friday (trading day). Have fun!

Step 3: Now let’s start our game!

If you choose to be a crew member, you can click on “Be a player.

We will see some team info here once we click on “Be a player”. You can choose your favorite team to join based on the win rate, total bonus, team size, etc.

Once we click on “Join”, the deposit interface will pop up, this is the principal we want to deposit in the team. It can’t be less than the threshold set by the captain (each captain will set different thresholds).

After entering the principal amount, we also need to confirm the interaction in the wallet.

Now we have successfully joined the team, we can view our group information, add contributions, invite players, etc.

Be a captain

If you want to be a captain, click on “be a captain” and authorize confirmation in your wallet (you must have 2020 or more kUSDC to become a captain), and then click “view now” to see your team information.

As a captain, you can: add contributions, invite others to the team, set the threshold to enter the team, view the process, quit, and make orders in limited time periods.

PS: You can only join one team at a time. If you have already joined a team, you need to exit that team before creating a new team.

We can enter the option premium amount and then click on CALL/PUT and confirm the trade in our wallet. Thus we have completed a trade. After the transaction is completed, you can view the information and revenue of the order in progress located in the upper right corner.

Step 5. Withdrawal of funds

KAKI supports players to withdraw at any time and get back their assets.
First, click on leave, and confirm on the wallet.
Tips: Please note that you will be deemed to automatically give up the benefits of this round every time you exit the team.

Convert kUSDC to USDC
Method 1: Click on “off bridge” to return the funds USDC to the Ethereum mainnet. (Due to the setting of Arbitrum, we need to wait 7 days to get our funds back)

Method 2: Click DODO and go to DODO to exchange for the currency you want.
Finally, you can transfer your funds to the Ethereum mainnet at bridge.arbitrum.

