How to use KAKIER NFT to play to earn

Becky | KAKI
Published in
9 min readDec 29, 2021

Liquid mining is the main factor to promote DeFi’s depth development. By reforming the relationship between users and DeFi protocol, we build a new association method to improve the efficiency of DeFi protocol. Everyone is able to be the stakeholder concerned and the teamworker. The phenomenon of the superhigh yield generated from the liquid mining in an early stage produces FOMO mood and siphoning effect, in the meanwhile it helps to accumulate numerous principal and users.

Within the huge number of users that Defi backs on, the long tail users take up the main percentage, and they make the major contribution to expand the DeFi market as well. Then, the yield that generated from DeFi industry mainly goes to users who hold large principal, especially like the Ethereum where produces expensive gas fee, the profit that long tail users earned would be compressed.

By speeding up deeply from year 2020 to 2021, DeFi has been growing stronger. At this stage, DeFi has become the major infrastructure providing investors with funding transaction and obtaining investment service. Based on that, GameFi has become the new trend of “speculation”. Similarly, after GameFi having been through a “wild” growing phase, long tail users are facing the further difficulty of gaining profit. For instance, the floor price of GameFi NFT goes higher due to the cost raise. And with the general yield of GameFi decreases while the investing cost rises, the participation rate of long tail users might reduce.

Dealing with long tail users in KAKI ecology

Though long-tail-user group is the main character of decentralization world, most of the DeFi protocols haven’t realized that. Moreover, KAKI is a muplti-chain DeFi ecology, and its function in the early stage is to connect long tail users with early-phase protocols. Therefore, long tail users are the key target market of KAKI.

A couple of weeks ago, a Korean TV drama called <the Squid Game> which is about humanity and gaming was amazingly popular on the Internet. Besides triggering the public to consider, the concept of <the Squid Game> and its culture also have been introjecting with other different fields. So KAKI has produced a application with the feature of GameFi option spin-off called Squid Game, this application is also based on the theory and model of “Glass Game” in this TV drama.

The Squid Game Version 1.0 basically is a DeFi spin-off protocol with the feature of simple option. Surely, the game itself would be GameFi-lized, as well as the game is full of gaming and selectivity attribute. In the TV drama, the rule of “Glass Game” is that players should cross the glass bridge one by one. and the bridge is designed with two roads, left and right. and each road is made of separate piece of glass. Each player should choose one piece of glass (left or right)so as to move on. The player would survive if it turns out that he or she chose the toughened glass, otherwide, the game would be over if it turns out that it is normal glass.

The Squid Game of KAKI regards the price ups and downs in a short of time as the main factor that Squid Game players choose what’s the next step. There are 5 rounds, and players who are involved in the Squid Game would make an option to Call or Put in each round. At the beginning of the game, each player will be allocated 16 character chips, and then they need to allocate the amount of 16 chips to each side( Call or Put). When it turns out the result, the chips chosen on the wrong side would be eliminated. Obviously, the rest of the chips would go to the next round. Until the final round ends, the total rest of the chips would be shared by those winners.

To participate the Squid Game, players need to purchase tickets. Each ticket values 10BUSD. Fortunately, the “10BUSD” also goes into the prize pool, and winners would share the total amount of BUSD in the prize pool. Our Squid Game gamelizes DeFi spin-off option, and the main factors of the game are about strategic decision-making and gaming. Our Squid Game is more tactic, and the final result is ever-changing by using different combinations and strategies.

The Squid Game is quite risky, but it has low fund threshold. Basically, the fund range is affordable for every player so as to gain more profit. Moreover, the low fund threshold also provides long tail users with more chances gaining nice profit, in the meanwhile, the mode fits the investing habit of long tail users perfectly.

As Verison 1.0 Squid Game was launched, it became so popular with our long tail users. So KAKI started building the version 2.0 based on the version 1.0, and introducing NFT with activator function.

2.0 Voyage in KAKI ecology

There are two main plates in KAKI 2.0 ecology: No-loss Trading and Squid Game.

Squid game 2.0

According to Version 1.0, Squid Game introduced a new approach to play, which is there is a “Huge Squid Prize Pool” on Fridays, the highest yield probably goes up to 77 times. Surely, you need be qualified to join the seductive game, which is players should own the Trident Ticket. So the trading market is where you could buy the trident ticket (so pricy), and of course there is another way to get it which is more cost-efficient — combination of tickets.

The trident ticket is compound with three different tickets. Then these three tickets can be gained from the “Squid vending machine”. Here are these three tickets: Squid ticket (80% gained), Giant Squid (15% gained) and Legendary Squid (5% gained). What needs importantly noticing is that there are only 10 Legendary Squid tickets per day! And the other two has no upper limit.

Each of the three tickets has its own compound success ratio, and to compound the trident ticket, each of them has different level of contribution. The contribution of Squid ticket ranges from 5–15%, while the Giant ticket ranges from 10–20%, and the Legendary ticket is 49%. This means the compound ratio ranges from 64–84%, so users are possible to fail. Thus, if users would like to improve the compound ration of trident tickets, they can use Kakier NFT as an activator to achieve that goal.

Kakier NFT is a functional NFT in KAKI ecology. So NFT can improve the compound success ratio of the trident ticket, the improving ratio can be divided into three levels: +2%、+3%、+5%. It will randomly produce these three attributes when minting NFT. When players want to compound the trident tickets, they will use three Kakier NFT in order to catalyze. For instance, if a player uses three +5% NFT, he wil get 15% possibility of promotion. Therefore, players will have a chance to win up-to 99% possibility getting the trident ticket.

No-loss Trading 2.0

KAKI ecology also allows players to join in us by “team forming” so as to gain the profit. Firstly, players deposit their principals, and the interests will go to the prize pool. This is called No-loss Trading. In KAKI No-loss Trading 2.0, users can impawn 2020 $KAKI to be a captain and to form own “spaceship team”. Of course you also can be a team member in one of the spaceship (there’s a number limit for those who hold NFT high-level battleships, but there’s no upper limit for the normal one). No matter you are a team member or a captain, you can contribute POWER by impawning your principals (BUSD, BNB, KAKI-BNB LP, KAKI-BUSD LP etc). The captain can use POWER as chips (team memebers cannot trade), participate simple option trading so as to win the prize pool, and APY may exceed 3000%, and the profits would be shared by the whole crew. So all the users who impawned would gain profits without losing their principals. Moreover, the principals will go to other DeFi protocols so that they would get more profits. Basically, the captain is equipped with professional trading skills, and these long tail users can be team members to gain profit with no loss.

The profit that the spaceship can obtain depends on how much POWER owned by the captain can be used in trading. And the speed and the amount of POWER production depend on: the principals impawned from team members, how long has the spaceship set up, and Kakier NFT. The key factor is Kakier NFT.

Kakier NFT has two functions in this process: firstly, increasing the number of team members, and secondly speeding up POWER producing rate. Different kinds of Kakier NFT has different functions. Level R Kakier NFT lets the captain add 2 more members, Level SR lets the captain add 5 more members, and Level SSR lets the captain add 10 more members. In addition, these three levels of Kakier NFT include 10 different sorts. They can speed up mining ranging from 5–50%. Generally, the mechanism of Kakier NFT is quite complex. It’s reported that the captain holding KAKI NFT is quicker than those who has no NFT when they want to gain POWER.

As for the No-loss Trading, Kakier NFT holders can get extra profit which is from Liquidity Providers (LPs). LPs can get $KAKI rewards by impawning their principals (BNB, BUSD, KAKI-BNB, KAKI-BUSD etc.) in the principal pool. They can close the account at any time, however, they might be hijacked and lose 50% $KAKI when they are withdrawing the rewards. Those lost $KAKI will go to the exclusive and will be shared by these NFT holding captains. And LPs also can impawn $KAKI for 3 months, and then linearly release.

In general, in KAKI ecology, Kakier NFT has become a main activator improving the profit. It can improve the overall profit of a spaceship group, including the captain, and it also can make holders obtain the profit from the exclusive principal pool. Moreover, it can improve the Trident ticket compounding ratio, in the meanwhile, it also can be collateral security to get a loan so that it can increase the utilization ratio of the NFT. Surely, Kakier NFT could be collected as an artwork. Kakier NFT as an important activator can make it a deep linkage within KAKI ecology, as well to improve the participation of all of roles.

Kakier NFT will be on sale on 12 January

Obviously, Kakier NFT is one of the most important principal in KAKI ecology, and Kakier NFT will be on sale at 10.00(UTC) on 12 January, 2022. This time we’re selling the amount of 2020 Kakier NFT. According to the mining speed and the number of team memeber capacity, Kakier NFT would be divided into three levels of rarity: R, SR and SSR. Accordingly, the amount would be 1344, 502 and 174. However, there are only 200 Kakier NFT as the initial offering. Then, investors are supposed to buy Kakier NFT in the form of loot box, and the it will be allocated randomly in different attributes.

As a significant principal, Kakier NFT can be traded and lent in the Tresaurelan market. So these who need a large number of Kakier NFT also can use it by lending, especially the long tail users, because it can lower their cost as well as gain more profit.

In general, KAKI is able to satisfy different layers of users so as to offer different levels of profit, especially the long tail users. They can gain profits stably by no-loss trading, in the meantime, they are able to obtain more profits in the Squid Game by using equal risk and strategy to be the major participants, in case make long tail users peripherization. KAKI ecology will be equipped with the developing ability by gathering long tail users. Surely, the mechanism of KAKI probably will be the reference of other DeFi ecology.

