Why I tried so hard to set a unique story for KAKI?

Published in
7 min readAug 25, 2021

In the blockchain space, we’ve seen a lot of projects are forking other Defi projects. The funding team may have many reasons for this, such as lacking funds, people, or even a lack of confidence to make it. They just want to make a quick fortune and then leave the game. To put it bluntly, they just want to “try”, since the cost of failure is limited, and the benefits of success are unlimited. (Doesn’t this sound like an option?)

There are indeed many forked projects that succeeded (e.g. Sushiswap forked Uniswap, BSC forked ETH), and the team who forked these protocols made a huge fortune, which seems to send us a bad message: forking projects doesn’t cost much to fail, but they are very rewarding. So more people started forking, not even bothering to change the interface, they just change the UI colour, and that’s all. There was a time when I even started to worry about the stagnation of innovation in Defi. Fortunately, there are still many interesting Defi projects being created today.

In fact, any product can be copied or surpassed, it’s just a matter of how much the copycat is willing to pay! But why do I say that KAKI’s products might get copied but not surpassed? I can’t present you with the whole process of designing KAKI, but I am sure you will agree with me after reading this article. Of course, if you disagree or only partially agree with me, you are welcome to stay tuned to our project process, and you are welcome to give your precious opinion in our discord.

Hard science fiction and Soft science fiction

Every science fiction story I’ve read has a setting, which broadly includes three elements: worldview, story, and background. Science fiction can be divided into two types based on rationality — “hard science fiction” and “soft science fiction”. Science fiction which is close to reality, laws, and axioms called hard science fiction, and the soft one is more focused on character and speculative societies.

Every good science fiction movie has a worldview. For example, Star Trek’s worldview is that the Earth is about to be destroyed and scientists desperately need to find a new planet that we can survive to save life on Earth.KAKI is not a game at the core, it’s essentially a financial product. So I chose a hard sci-fi worldview.

I made 5 hypotheses of worldview for KAKI.

A good “hard sci-fi world view” will become more and more vital over time, I call it a “wake-up point”. If a technological theory develops even a little bit closer to the proposed worldview, it will jog people’s memory to rebuild the worldview we’re familiar with today. You can see it below in the sheet. I did a comparison between these different world views.

After our analysis, hypotheses A and D possess a broader imagination and are able to create more interesting stories in such a worldview in Defi.

KAKI worldview primary concept

In the future, Kakier becomes the new workforce since Earth’s resources are limited and people have to look for resources in outer space. But in the past 200 years, no human has succeeded in finding a suitable environment for human survival on other planets. Scientists have proposed a theory that Kakier could become a new type of labour for replacing humans and robots with Kakier for outer space exploration.

As technology continues to develop, space breeding has become very complicated. kaki seeds are transported to a space station by a spacecraft, where they are genetically modified by the effects of special environments such as strong radiation, microgravity, vacuum, and weak magnetic fields, After that, they will be sent to the ground for breeding selection. After multiple generations of selection, the best Kakier varieties were selected. In the outer space environment, Kakier’s “body” is more adaptable than animals.

Lots of scientific experiments are conducting in the labs at the same time…1.Scientists use brain-machine technology in bold research with Kakier.

2..The new-generated Kakier has a vegetative nerve, which connects to the one-way brain-machine. Humans send commands to the one-way brain-machine through BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) to reach the plant nerve. Kakier can work in outer space instead of humans, we only need to control them remotely.

Based on this view of the world above, I created another story for KAKI. A small accident occurred on the human space station. The astronauts brought a box of experimental Kakier for scientific research and landed on an unknown dwarf planet. The Kakier in the box are special, they have not only completed the brain-computer interface transplant, but also have multiple learning data gathered by AI neural networks, 1 PB (1024 TB) of “outer space engineering construction” data storage, and have a set of a trained database of human consciousness, with the same data structure as the human brain.

The last Earth command they received was:

  • Build a simple space factory assembly line for producing the new Kakier.
  • Create easier use and more efficient assembly line as soon as possible.
  • Not limited to using any environmental resources.
  • Permission is done after a fresh batch of Kakiers is packed into a return spacecraft.
  • The human brain consciousness database can be called upon when creative disassembly of large targets is required.
  • Kakier executes the instruction to dismantle the shipping box and get the basic tool associates. Local materials were used to mine metal, pave the ground, collect water, etc. And the work is completed very efficiently and soon Kakier has the first assembly line, but there are no return ships on dwarf planets. Therefore, in order to finish executing the instructions, It was necessary to call on the human consciousness and creatively achieve the requirements step by step. It is at this point that Kakiers, who are both smart and hard-working, unfolds an infinitely more interesting storyline for us.

Basic Concept Mapping

With the storyboard as the foundation, It is much easier to turn the function points into real product items.

Game Storyline


So what is KAKI’s background storyline? I’m sure you already have a basic understanding of it. It’s something that has a high probability of something happening at a certain time, some interesting planned event during the product design of KAKI! This whole background story gives us a more vivid Kakier image, which makes the product design of KAKI felt more close to the users. We also came up with some great ideas for playing our games after this storyline is settled:

  • There are some treasures buried in the ground on the dwarf planets, the captain can organize the team to dig, there is a certain probability to dig out the treasure.
  • How to Play: The captain needs to organize the team to dig, need a pickaxe there is a chance to pop NFT treasures.
  • Short days and long nights on the dwarf planet (24h day and 144h night), so there are going to have some night crisis in our game, you might get robbed by other Kakiers
  • How to Play: The cycle of interest generation (KC) from staking user’s funds is called the preparation period, and players cannot trade during this time. The captain can organize his crew to rob other crews’ interests during the preparation time.

This whole idea of making a vivid Defi product finally had some wonderful story about it after we spent such a long time digging up! The rest of our KAKI space adventures are up to you guys to creatively accomplish it!


Innovators like us hate copycats, because innovators may not have strong capital, or a very strong technical team and good growth hackers. Instead, copycats may have capital, a technical team to copy other’s idea in a short time without any costs, and all kinds of resourses. Predators stare at the market with binoculars, and once a ideal blockchain product appears, they quickly organize a team to fork the code , then piece it together into an interactive interface. So how can innovators save themselves?

The decentralized Blockchain system gives us great opportunities to fight back!

If a team can start from 0 to 1, then the decentralized organization will help them do the 2 to 10 parts, and then more players will join to finish 100, 1000 ……

I have roughly constructed the framework of KAKI’s story, due to limited time, we have left a lot of blanks for you guys to create. If you like the story of Kakiers, you are welcome to join us as a creator of this great adventure together.

Back to the question at the beginning: How do I make sure KAKI is not surpassed?

The treasure we have is you guys! You guys are our greatest treasure! If you like KAKI’s story and would like to join us, please feel free to join our community!




